Guru Sishya Relationship

Guru Sishya Relationship

Guru Sishya Relationship- Ancient Culture 

Guru is a Sanskrit word that connotes “master” or “teacher” with certain knowledge. The literal meaning of guru is “a person who dispels the darkness and takes towards the light.  According to Vedic philosophy, Guru is someone more than a teacher.  Guru is the light of life to show the right path. He illuminates the dark part of life and gives freedom from all delusion. Human beings have different types of problems in life while living in the world. So remove the darkness of sishya’s ( student) life guru sishya relationship is very important.

They try to escape from the problems. The Guru makes people understand the problems. With the proper understanding, people can live happily even in problems. It is the guru who helps to find the true self and the destination.  Traditionally, the figure of the guru is a “counselor, who helps concoct values, shares knowledge, and an ideal of life and who beghasts to evolve worldly and spiritually. In guru sishya relationship, Guru helps to discover the inner potentialities of the disciple (sishya). 


Guru Sisya Relationship


The oldest concept of Guru is found in the Vedic text of Hinduism. Many Gurukul – schools run by guru were established according to Hindu Tradition by the first millennium BCE. The guru used to transfer the knowledge Vedas, Upanishad and various texts of Hindus.  Besides Hindus, there were other different types of traditions like Jainism, Buddhism etc had also these types of practices.

The purpose of these all traditions was to give right guidelines in the life of Disciples.  Thus, there is great need of Guru for the proper guidance in life. But the issue is how to find a guru. The guru can be one or many as per the requirements. Some gurus are limited to a particular subject matter. For example, Arjuna (a character of Mahabharat) had many Gurus; for Archery- Dronacharya; for singing, dance and music- some Gandharvas of heaven; for some special weapons- Lord Shiva and Indra; for life guiding- Lord Krishna. All these knowledge is possible only after guru sishya relationship.


Guru Sisya Relationship


Dattatreya had twenty-four Gurus to learn different things. The gurus were: Earth- to learn the qualities of forgiveness, unselfishness, and energy to bear the troubles; Air- to learn the quality of aliveness, consciousness, detachment, stillness in movement, present in all but not being affected by the motion and alteration within it like pervading everywhere yet uncontaminated, carrying odour but being odour etc.;

similarly in guru sishya relationship, the guru were: Sky-to learn that deeper mind is like the sky: incomputable and unobservable holding thoughts and feelings like clouds, seeming finite but in fact limitless in its potentialities; Water-  supports all life, nourishes, purifies, refreshes; Fire- destroys all that is gross, and impure which reminds freedom from the defects of Avidya; Moon- seems changeable, wax and wane yet no factual change. In the same soul is unchangeable. Sun- to learn egolessness and omnipresence; Pigeon- from pigeon he learned that attachment and yearning destroys spirituality within us.

Python- to learn the value of surrender; Ocean- to learn freedom from disturbance; Firefly- to learn infatuation leads to destruction. Bee-takes necessary things without harming or disturbing other; Elephant- Dattatreya learned that one should not be distracted by sensual desire when one has the highest goal; Honey-gatherer- valuable time should not be wasted but should apply to seek the self.  

Deer- to be aware of own weak point and alert; Pingala- learned to be free from desire, attachment, acquired wisdom; Sparrow-when the enemy is stronger one should not try for possession fight; Child- learned to live moment to moment without being hanged for past and future; Girl- learned that one should walk alone on spiritual path to get perfect peace; Archer-one pointed concentration; Snake-learned to abandon crowd, increase awareness; Spider-reminded that the divinity that casts the cosmos cut of itself and at the end gathers it back into itself; Wasp-to know Lord is to become lord.

In this way, a person can have many Guru as well. Guru can be of different types like Yogi guru, Jnani Guru, Tantric Guru, Brahmanishta Guru, Female Guru, etc.  However, there is a special Guru how guides to final goal i.e. enlightenment.The disciple should make such a relation with guru so that he could get required knowledge without any disturbance or blockage.

Too much intimacy and too much far relation is not good for acquiring knowledge. The disciple should have full of devotion and faith towards the Guru. However faith and devotion should not be blind. When you go to guru go to him with empty mind possessing no thoughts. Just listen what he says. Be open to Guru, hide nothing from him. While visiting to Guru, clothes should be simple.

Yoga In Nepal


Wears and ornaments should not display worldly riches. in this guru sishya relationship, One (student) should not go empty hand to Guru. The disciple should offer some parcel according to his capacity. Parcel should not show richness but devotion. Parcels can be fruits, favorite dish, clothes etc. If guru is in need of money, it is better to offer him money as well.

These offering should be with spiritual emotions (called Bhava). The disciple should offer obeisance to guru at home, ashram, or road anywhere he meets. While offering obeisance you can place forehead on Guru’s feet or other alternative methods.   Whatever is learned from the Guru, one should put into practice. The disciple should continuously walk on the spiritual practice in order to be able to serve the guru. The regular spiritual practices purify the disciple.

The practices occur easily and spontaneously during the time of serving Guru. So, disciple should take proper advantage of it.  Many disciples have the habit of forcing Guru to eat though he is refusing to eat. Whatever is offered to guru, if he just touches then it is acceptance. Sometimes he may be unable to eat due to many reasons like-controlling in dietary, health status, age, interest, etc.

The disciple should not keep anything in mind, or act from which Guru feels discomfort. Sometimes inviting the Guru at home is good. But sometimes guru himself moves to the residence of disciple if he is real devotee. Guru may move freely in and around the house of disciple.


Nepal Yoga Teacher Training


Over-service to guru (like keeping car at the doorstep, fetching water to wash hand etc.)  may make guru invalid. This is not good. One should never sit on Guru’s seat from where he preaches or teaches. One should never advice guru without permission. If disciple is at guru’s home during function like wedding etc., disciple should consider own home to do different types of work.

If guru is sick or unconscious provide him treatment and medicine prescribed by doctor. However, if guru is conscious then he should be forced. The disciple should do nothing whit out the will of guru. It is meaningless to go to guru for paying obeisance during his illness. When guru renounces his body one should go to pay last obeisance as son does for his father.


Guru Student Relationship


If Guru scolds, reprimands, beats etc. the disciple should not be attached to such activities. The disciple should t analyze the behavior of Guru. Instead of analyzing the Guru’s or saints habits one should continue to walk on the spiritual path and service them. This is because analyzing reason gives no benefits, understanding the real reason is beyond the intellect. So, in our scriptures, guru sishya relationship should be very strong, intimate, and sishya always need to follow the guru. 

Crystal Healing Therapy

Crystal Healing Therapy

Crystal Healing Therapy in Kathmandu, Nepal

Crystal Healing Therapy is the system of healing by using the different types of crystals. Crystals are the elements which form different geometric shapes. They form underground of the earth taking millions of years. In the process of forming the different shapes of crystals, they hold the energy inside them. They capture the natural power from the core of the earth. The energy of the crystals can stop to enter the negative energy in our body and help to enter positive energy. Crystals can attract the energy of the universe towards it and send into our body from where we keep the crystals on our body.


crystal healing



We have 7 Chakras which can be understood as energy centres of our body. They are the energy providers of the body. They should be in balanced condition. They are responsible for many diseases if the energy moves in the negative direction. They have also the responsibility to heel the diseases of our body if we can heal all seven chakras. We can be healed from different mental and physical illnesses by correcting them. This therapy is done by putting the different crystal on 7 chakras.

Crystal Healing Therapy is also a therapeutic method of alternative therapy. Crystal therapy is conducted by putting the crystals on the area where we feel the pain of the body, the meridian points of the body, and 7 chakras. By putting crystals on the body of a patient in a deep relaxation state for about an hour the therapy can be done.

In the deep state, the patient can be able to take the positive energy in the body. The energy balances our seven chakras and opens the meridian points of the body. The main reason for any diseases is the blockage at any point in our body. If we can open the blockages of the body, we can regain our health.


Crystal Therapy


Crystals can increase the energy field of our body and keep us healthy. If the energy field becomes thin then we become ill, when we can make our energy field thick, then we can recover from the diseases. Our subtle body is made of the energy and we have to make it positive to live healthy and happy. If the subtle body becomes weak then our physical body also becomes weak and unhealthy. Crystals can correct the subtle body.


crystal healing in Nepal


There is the link between the seven chakras and the energy body. All seven charkas have their colourful energy. For all chakras, there are different types of crystals. They can create the balance between our body and the energy. Crystals can eliminate all the negative energy from our energy field and fill the positive energy in the place of that.

There are two types of energy i. e. positive and negative. We neither can create the energy not destroy the energy; we simply can replace the positive the energy in the place of negative. Crystal Healing Therapy doesn’t do anything but it replaces the positive energy in the place of positive and the process of healing starts itself.


crystal healing therapy


Some crystals are useful for the heart and some are for the brain. Some crystals can heal the stomach problems. Some crystals can improve our mental capacity. Good crystal therapist collects all the information about the patient and he or she applies crystal therapy as the patient need. Crystal therapist has to know about the patient before treatment.

Crystal Healing Therapy is not any miracle but it has the scientific reason. Crystals are the substances which have a lot of positive energy. That natural energy has the power to heal the different disease of our body. The therapist asks some questions with the patient about the disease and his or her mental state.


Crystal Therapy


Crystals need to cleanse before using them. They should keep underground for one night and put in salty water for seven days. Then that should put outside openly when the full moon appears for one night. The crystals can be used for healing after the cleansing process. The cleaning process can purify the crystals from the negative energy.


crystal healing therapy course


Crystals have different colours which can determine the work of crystals. Different colour can heal the different chakra related diseases. All seven chakras have their related colours and there are the diseases which are related to different chakras. To harmonize the seven chakras is the effort of Crystal Healing Therapy. The seven chakras can be made positive by different methods among them Crystal Healing Therapy is one method.


crystal healing course


Crystals don’t do anything but they balance the energy system of our body and enable us to be powerful on our energy level. If our energy level becomes powerful, any negative energy can’t affect our body and we become healthy. It is a saying that the human being becomes ill not only by physical reason but he or she can be sick by the metaphysical reason. To heal the unseen part of the disease, we should useCrystal Healing Therapy. We can apply both types of the treatment system, allopathic and Crystal Healing Therapy at the same time to enhance the healing.

crystal healing therapy class


We can use the crystals to increase the energy of our body without being sick. The energy can increase the immune system of our body which can prevent us from many diseases. Crystal Healing Therapy can be the best way to increase the vital power of our body. It can improve our memory power. The most important factor of this crystal therapy is that it doesn’t have any side effect. It has the side benefits because it can heal all types of discomforts and diseases if we use it properly for a particular disease. When we use this therapy for one purpose, we can have the extra benefits for another problem.

Crystal Healing Therapy is a different type of healing which focuses on the mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual aspect of our problem. It tries to heal our diseases from its root cause. When the root cause can be healed, we can gain the natural power in our body. Our real identity is the healthy body; our real nature is the healthy body and peaceful mind.

Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)

Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)

Marjaryasana-Bitilasana- Cat -Cow Pose

‘Marjaryasana-Bitilasana’ is a combined pose that resembles cat and cow. It is an easy and gentle pose. It warms up the spine and belly.


  • Place the hands and knees to make the back in a tabletop position. Knees should be directly below the hips and hands are perpendicular to the floor.
  • With an inhalation, lift sitting bone and chest towards the ceiling, allowing the stomach sink towards the floor (This is Bitilasana ie cow pose). Lift head up and sight forward.
  • Exhale and round upper back towards the sky. Drop the gaze to the navel pressing hands and feet into the earth. This is Marjaryasana ie cat pose.
  • Repeat 10-20 times.



  •  Improves balance and posture.
  • It messages and stimulates organs in the stomach.
  • Increase coordination; creates emotional balance, improves the mental peace.
  • Gives good exercise to spine and neck.


For neck injury, take guidance and keep the head in a straight line following the torso. 


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Camel Pose

Camel Pose

Camel Pose (Ustrasana)- Steps/Benefits/Contraindication

Ustrasana means a camel pose. It is back bending asana. The pose is linked to open Anahata chakra.


  • Kneel down and stretch the hands up with an inhalation.
  • Slowly bent backward with an exhalation and place the palm on the hips or the sole of feet.
  • Stay in the pose for about 5 breaths.
  • At last, with an exhalation be straight and stretch the hands upwards.
  • With an exhalation, bring hands downwards.


  • This pose strengthens the back and boosts the mood.
  • Good for menstrual problems.
  • Improves digestion and cures lower back pain.


For high or low blood pressure, and back injury patient, perform only under the supervision of an experienced teacher.

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cat-cow pose

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandasana)

Bridge Pose (Setu Bandasana)

Setu Bandasana- Its Procedure, variation, and advantages

Setu Bandasana is a Sanskrit word. ‘Setu’ means dam or bridge and ‘banda’ means a lock. Setu bandhasana can be both restorative posture and dynamic way of practice.

Steps of Setu Bandasana

  • Lie supine on the floor. Keep a thick blanket or something like that under the shoulder to protect the neck.
  • Bend the knees and fix the feet on the floor, heels close to sitting bone.
  • Lift the tailbone upwards towards the pubis. Claps the hand below the waist and stay on the tops of the shoulder.
  • Lift the buttock until the thighs are about parallel to the ground, calves are perpendicular to the floor. Lengthen the tailbone towards the backs of knees, lifting the pubis towards the navel.
  • Lift up the chin little-bit away from the sternum and pull up the top of the sternum towards the chin.
  • Stay on the pose observing the respiration and sensation for 1 minute or more.
  • Slowly, release the pose.



  • Improves blood circulation and digestion.
  • Calms nervous system, alleviates stress and mild depression.
  • Stimulates thyroid, parathyroid, lungs, heart, and belly.
  • It is therapy for hypertension, osteoporosis, and sinusitis. 
  • Relieves asthma, high BP, menopause.


Lower back sensitivity, the shoulder injury and a Neck-injured person should practice only under the supervision of experienced yoga master.

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