Crystal Healing Therapy in Kathmandu, Nepal

Crystal Healing Therapy is the system of healing by using the different types of crystals. Crystals are the elements which form different geometric shapes. They form underground of the earth taking millions of years. In the process of forming the different shapes of crystals, they hold the energy inside them. They capture the natural power from the core of the earth. The energy of the crystals can stop to enter the negative energy in our body and help to enter positive energy. Crystals can attract the energy of the universe towards it and send into our body from where we keep the crystals on our body.


crystal healing



We have 7 Chakras which can be understood as energy centres of our body. They are the energy providers of the body. They should be in balanced condition. They are responsible for many diseases if the energy moves in the negative direction. They have also the responsibility to heel the diseases of our body if we can heal all seven chakras. We can be healed from different mental and physical illnesses by correcting them. This therapy is done by putting the different crystal on 7 chakras.

Crystal Healing Therapy is also a therapeutic method of alternative therapy. Crystal therapy is conducted by putting the crystals on the area where we feel the pain of the body, the meridian points of the body, and 7 chakras. By putting crystals on the body of a patient in a deep relaxation state for about an hour the therapy can be done.

In the deep state, the patient can be able to take the positive energy in the body. The energy balances our seven chakras and opens the meridian points of the body. The main reason for any diseases is the blockage at any point in our body. If we can open the blockages of the body, we can regain our health.


Crystal Therapy


Crystals can increase the energy field of our body and keep us healthy. If the energy field becomes thin then we become ill, when we can make our energy field thick, then we can recover from the diseases. Our subtle body is made of the energy and we have to make it positive to live healthy and happy. If the subtle body becomes weak then our physical body also becomes weak and unhealthy. Crystals can correct the subtle body.


crystal healing in Nepal


There is the link between the seven chakras and the energy body. All seven charkas have their colourful energy. For all chakras, there are different types of crystals. They can create the balance between our body and the energy. Crystals can eliminate all the negative energy from our energy field and fill the positive energy in the place of that.

There are two types of energy i. e. positive and negative. We neither can create the energy not destroy the energy; we simply can replace the positive the energy in the place of negative. Crystal Healing Therapy doesn’t do anything but it replaces the positive energy in the place of positive and the process of healing starts itself.


crystal healing therapy


Some crystals are useful for the heart and some are for the brain. Some crystals can heal the stomach problems. Some crystals can improve our mental capacity. Good crystal therapist collects all the information about the patient and he or she applies crystal therapy as the patient need. Crystal therapist has to know about the patient before treatment.

Crystal Healing Therapy is not any miracle but it has the scientific reason. Crystals are the substances which have a lot of positive energy. That natural energy has the power to heal the different disease of our body. The therapist asks some questions with the patient about the disease and his or her mental state.


Crystal Therapy


Crystals need to cleanse before using them. They should keep underground for one night and put in salty water for seven days. Then that should put outside openly when the full moon appears for one night. The crystals can be used for healing after the cleansing process. The cleaning process can purify the crystals from the negative energy.


crystal healing therapy course


Crystals have different colours which can determine the work of crystals. Different colour can heal the different chakra related diseases. All seven chakras have their related colours and there are the diseases which are related to different chakras. To harmonize the seven chakras is the effort of Crystal Healing Therapy. The seven chakras can be made positive by different methods among them Crystal Healing Therapy is one method.


crystal healing course


Crystals don’t do anything but they balance the energy system of our body and enable us to be powerful on our energy level. If our energy level becomes powerful, any negative energy can’t affect our body and we become healthy. It is a saying that the human being becomes ill not only by physical reason but he or she can be sick by the metaphysical reason. To heal the unseen part of the disease, we should useCrystal Healing Therapy. We can apply both types of the treatment system, allopathic and Crystal Healing Therapy at the same time to enhance the healing.

crystal healing therapy class


We can use the crystals to increase the energy of our body without being sick. The energy can increase the immune system of our body which can prevent us from many diseases. Crystal Healing Therapy can be the best way to increase the vital power of our body. It can improve our memory power. The most important factor of this crystal therapy is that it doesn’t have any side effect. It has the side benefits because it can heal all types of discomforts and diseases if we use it properly for a particular disease. When we use this therapy for one purpose, we can have the extra benefits for another problem.

Crystal Healing Therapy is a different type of healing which focuses on the mental, emotional, psychological and spiritual aspect of our problem. It tries to heal our diseases from its root cause. When the root cause can be healed, we can gain the natural power in our body. Our real identity is the healthy body; our real nature is the healthy body and peaceful mind.