by Yoga In Nepal | Jan 31, 2022 | Yoga
Yin Yoga in Nepal
Yin yoga is one of the most amazing forms of yoga. It is the combination of various forms and techniques. This form of yoga is often combined with the yang form of yoga to completely form the yin and yang style of yoga. However, apart from that combination also each of those forms has an existence and ability of its own. This form of yoga was derived from Chinese techniques, but it also has a rich essence in the neighboring country of Nepal. Yin yoga in Nepal also has been a trend and people are learning, teaching as well as practicing this form of yoga.
Yin yoga
Yin yoga is the slow-movement form of yoga. Probably Yin yoga also may be the slowest of the yoga. The masters of Yin yoga hold the same form for about five minutes or more before changing, while the beginners stay in the same position for about a few seconds to 2 minutes. The posture is held for an extended amount of time to stimulate the subtle body which is present within every one of us known as meridians in Chinese and Nadis in Hatha yoga.
Teachers of Yin yoga in Nepal
No matter the form or method of yoga the role of the teacher is very immense, and it cannot be ignored no matter what. Various yoga centers teach Yin yoga in Nepal and to teach efficiently they need an experienced teacher. Luckily, Nepal is one of the countries with a rich history and tradition of yoga many masters have mastered the various forms of yoga, and Yin yoga is one of them. There are various proficient masters in the field of Yin yoga also who are very capable. They have years of experience with which they have amassed much knowledge and know how to distribute their knowledge to their students efficiently.
Teaching the philosophy of Yin yoga
While teaching Yin yoga in Nepal the teachers will not only teach the physical forms and techniques but also will teach the philosophy behind Yin yoga. It is based on the Chinese philosophy of Yin and yang. They are the two opposite forces that are represented by two colors, black and white. They when combined form a complete circle with the color black and white in equal amounts and harmony with one another.
In the yin and yang relationship, the yin is said to have the character of cold, passive, immobile, downward movie force. So, actual yoga is also the slow movement of the body parts where the posture is held for as long as possible.
Preparation for Yin yoga
Yin yoga is a very unique type of Yoga that is different from other forms of yoga. When this yoga is practiced one may go through various emotional ups and downs. The teachers realize that when people practice Yin yoga they will go through various emotional journeys. Everyone has their emotional journey, and they have something hidden inside their subconscious mind. They may go through the journey of pain, emotion, anger, sorrow, etc. and it is perfectly normal and there is no need to worry about it.
Locations of Yin yoga in Nepal
No matter the form and technique of yoga it is at its highest efficiency when practiced as one with nature. This is also true for Yin yoga. Mostly the people who will teach Yin yoga in Nepal will try their best to fin locations that are in harmony with nature. Luckily, the country is extraordinarily rich in natural resources and has a vast number of places that are in harmony with nature. The rivers, forests, mountains, the country has all of them and more.
Advantages of Yin yoga in Nepal:
Yogic nature
It is believed that yoga originated in ancient times in this region. The yogic nature that is available in this region is not found anywhere in the world. Yin yoga in Nepal will let you touch the yogic spirit that is living in this land for thousands of years.
Authentic knowledge
Nepal is amazingly fast in the field of yoga and there are various yoga association and organization that is monitoring the authenticity of the yogic knowledge that is distributed. If one comes for Yin yoga in Nepal, then they can be assured because the knowledge is very authentic.
Valuable certificate
The certificate of Nepal in the field of yoga is incredibly famous. Many people want to learn Yoga to begin their career in this field as this field is growing and becoming more sustainable. Learning Yin yoga in Nepal they will gain valuable certification by which they can move ahead in the field of yoga to begin their career.
Taste of the culture and adventure
Yes, when learning Yin yoga in Nepal one will get all the knowledge and practice of the related field as much as one wants. However, there is another advantage of learning Yin yoga in Nepal, and it is getting the taste of the culture and adventuring on the nature of the country. It is like two birds with one stone.
by Yoga In Nepal | Jan 5, 2022 | Yoga
Life of Yogi
Yogis are the people who have dedicated themself and their life to the art of Yoga. Over time, there have been many yogis who have dedicated their lives to the practices of yoga. Some in very recent times of whom we know many things while some so ancient that they have been associated with the mythology itself. No matter which time the yogi lived, the life of the yogi was the same filled with great discipline, dedication, and knowledge.
To know about the life of a yogi let’s understand what yoga is in the beginning. Yoga is a technique that has been passed down from generation to generation in the southern part of Asia. Yoga now has been passed to various parts of the world. There may be hardly any country in the world where yoga is not practiced. Even celebrities practice yoga to keep themselves fit and fine.
Yoga now may have been practiced everywhere but for centuries it was the tradition and way of life of the people of ancient India which is present-day Nepal and India. Yoga may be poses, posture, and a way to keep the body healthy for the people of other parts of the world. However, for the people of Nepal and India, it is part of their mythology, the gift of the gods to them, and the dedication of the various yogis that lived on this very land.
Hindu believe that yoga was first discovered by Mahadev in ancient times and the form of Adi yogi, he gifted the knowledge of yoga to the people of that time. Specifically, he taught 7 people all the knowledge of yoga. The seven people became the seven celestial sages in time and taught the world what they had learned from Mahadev.
The mythology says that yoga and the knowledge of yoga originated from there and as time passed transformed and got here. In this course of time various yogi appeared and they in their way shaped and changed yoga. The life of yogis who were here after the formation of yoga to this time shaped yoga itself.
The life of yogis who have contributed a lot to the world of yoga is worth studying. A few of those yogis are as follows:
Adi Shankaracharya
Adi Shankaracharya was one of the greatest yogis to have lived. The life of Yogi Shankaracharya is the inspiration to the yogis. One of the most important works of his life is the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta. He was in this world at the time of 788AD, therefore the exact biography date of birth and other things cannot be said with great accuracy, but he was here and the life of yogi Shankaracharya was something else as a yogi and also as a spiritual teacher.
Shankaracharya was born in Kerala, the southern part of India. It is said that he was born to childless parents in their old age.
Shankaracharya was calm and different from very old age. Even as a child he was attracted to the life of yogi. However, his mother denied him the life of yogi. There are some stories which say that why his mother later agreed for him to have a life of yogi. Shankaracharya then left home and traveled to various places learning the life of yogi and gaining vast amounts of knowledge.
Shankaracharya is one of the greatest yogis to have ever lived. He is regarded as Jagadguru, which is one of the highest positions one yogi can acquire in their life. It means the teacher of the entire universe. He also opened various monasteries in India.
According to the Advaita Vedanta philosophy of the sage, there is only one true Brahman and except him, everything is nothing but an illusion, even the world we live in and the things around us are an illusion.
Shir Ramakrishna Paramahamsa
Rama Krishna was born in India in 1836. He also showed the inclination towards the life of yogi from an early age. Ramakrishna is also known as one of the greatest devotees of Mother Kali. He used to believe that realization of God and the pursuit of God is the greatest goal anyone can have in this world. As we talked earlier, he was greatly attached to Mother Kali, and it is believed that Mother Kali had appeared in front of him.
Paramahamsa is not his name, but the name was given to him when he had the realization of God. Mother Kali not only once but time and time again has given realization to him. He also was the priest at the Dakshineshor kali temple. He devoted his life to the temple and Mother Kali.
Ramakrishna became a popular name at that time when the news spread of the realization which the goddess Kali had given him. Various spiritual leaders and people of that time came to meet him. People used to believe that Ramakrishna had mystical abilities. He also was the teacher of great guru Vivekananda. Ramakrishna died in 1886 at the age of 50.
Swami Vivekananda
Vivekananda was one of the greatest yogis of modern time. The life of yogi Vivekananda turned the path of yogi and spirituality in a new direction. He had taken the greatest step to take and spread the knowledge of spirituality to the west and the rest of the world. The life of yogi Vivekananda is filled with the greatest achievements, spirituality, and love for the world. He is the chief disciple of Ramakrishna, and he also was the one to have succeeded his teacher.
Vivekananda was born on 12 Jan 1863. The name given to him during his birth was Narendranath data and not Vivekananda. He became Vivekananda much later in life. Vivekananda was born to the attorney of Calcutt high court. He had nine other siblings other than him. His grandfather however was a monk and had left his house at age 25 to be a monk.
Vivekananda from his childhood was very different and saw the world in a different light. He was known for his amazing memory and the speed at which he was able to learn things. His childhood was good because his father had a well-regarded job in Calcutta.
Vivekananda met his guru Ramakrishna in 1881, this was the time when Vivekananda was going to places to learn the life of yogi. He had decided to know more about this life and was collecting knowledge from there and there. Ramakrishna turned Vivekananda in a new direction and gave the life of yogi a new destination.
After the death of his guru, he with his fellow disciples founded Ramkrishna math and Ramkrishna mission. Vivekananda lost his guru after 2 years of losing his father. After losing his father his guru helped him to get out of the loss. He had found a father figure in his teacher after the death of his father. However, after just 2 years he too was taken away by fate.
Vivekananda in his course of life has done many things. At some point in life after the death of his teacher, he was a wandering monk. The life of yogi cannot be completed without becoming a wanderer. He too was a wanderer; he had no place to be, he went where his feet took him and stayed there. Vivekananda traveled from one place to another giving knowledge and wisdom to the people.
Vivekananda returned from there and now went to foreign. His most noteworthy achievement is the speech at the parliament of the religions of the world in Chicago in 1893. This speech changed the perception of Hinduism in the world. In this phase, Hinduism also was considered one of the greatest religions in the world and some credit goes to the speech given by Vivekananda.
Then in his later life, Vivekananda continued to spread his teaching through the spiritual path to the world. Vivekananda died in 1902 at the age of 39. People believe that Vivekananda took the samadhi, which is the greatest feat in the life of yogi.
BKS Lyengar
Lyengar was born on 14 December 1918 in Karnataka, India. He was born in the house of a schoolteacher and his parents had 13 children in total. The economic condition of the family was not so good, but they were still managing, but when his father died the situation went from bad to worse. He had suffered from various diseases from his childhood and also from malnutrition.
Yoga was introduced as a medium that could heal him. The life of yogi began for him at that very moment. He went to Mysore to practice yoga and in a short period practicing yoga, his life changed completely.
Krishnamacharya was the one who taught yoga to Lyengar. At first, his guru thought that he did not belong to the world of yoga as a teacher but with his dedication, Lyengar proved him wrong and his teacher finally accepted him.
The life of yogi was growing within Lyengar. He had achieved a certain level of popularity in India. However, still, he was bound to the borders of the country. He was very good with yoga but publicity and growing to the international market was still far away from him. However, this was about to change when one day unexpectedly an individual entered the life of lyengar. Yuhadin Menuhin entered the life of lyengar and took him to the international world when he was impressed by the work of Lyengar. Lyengar with the help of the book published by Yuhadin touched the international world.
The signature style of Lyengar is Lyengar yoga, by which the name of Lyengar is famous in the world. It is the combination of the various forms and techniques which is amazing to the body, mind, and soul itself. Timing, alignment, and sequencing are the major aspects of Lyengar yoga. Even to this day Lyengar yoga is taught in the place opened by Lyengar by his family members.
Even the children of Lyengar are involved in the field of yoga. There is a standard set by the Lyengar association of the world that monitors the standard of the teaching of yoga and if one gets the certification, the association sees that they are living up to the standard or not.
Osho was born Chandra Mohan Jain, India on December 11, 1931. He is one of the most popular spiritual leaders of our time. The life of yogi of Osho is quite controversial, there is a mass of people who see him as the person who had achieved peak level of spirituality, while some people do not agree with this view and have various views regarding Osho.
Osho was born to a cloth merchant and had eleven siblings. Before the beginning of the yogic life, Osho had a very different path and life. Osho from childhood was quite different and very energetic. He was a rebellious teenager who questioned ideology, perception, and the system. Osho was a formidable debater, which even flourished when he choose the life of yogi.
Osho completed his education and after completing his education decided to become a teacher at a university. Before the life of yogi, Osho had planned to become a teacher and also teaches for some time in university. He was passionate about sharing his view and knowledge with other people. Be it life of a teacher or the life of yogi, Osho was dedicated to teaching other people. After fresh graduation, Osho had begun to teach in a university and after a while, people had believed that he had started giving wrong teaching to the children.
Osho was a teacher and now parallelly he was also doing something else. He was teaching during college time but in his free time traveling to various places to share his views and knowledge with the masses. Osho took both activities with equal importance and balanced perfectly for some time but that was extremely hard. Now, Osho gave up his teaching and was distributing knowledge to people full time.
In the course of teaching Osho became an international name. People were attracted to the free mindset and lifestyle of Osho. People had obligations with his open preaching about sex and speaking openly about the subjects that were considered taboos.
Osho visited the world distributing his knowledge. He had also attended various conferences regarding religions and had given his thoughts.
Osho continued to live the life he believed was right to the very end. He died in his Pune ashram on 11 January 1990.
by Yoga In Nepal | Nov 20, 2021 | Yoga
Why learn Hatha yoga in Nepal?
Yoga learning is now available in many countries. Now, almost everyone can learn yoga. Most of the large and densely populated areas in the world surely have institute to learn yoga. Also, if nowadays if anyone has a good internet connection, they can learn yoga even on their own. This method is also widely popular and various online sources and teachers teach it very efficiently. There are many forms of yoga and technique also. When one sees yoga from outside it may only be postures and poses but it is more detailed than that. There are various forms of yoga such as Raja yoga, Karma yoga, Hatha yoga, and many more.
These yoga forms have various origins and are described in various books. Also, the learning of these yoga forms depends upon the location of the learning as authenticity and everything may depend upon it. People go to various places like Nepal, India to get higher knowledge in these forms and types. Talking about hatha yoga various people come are interested to learn Hatha yoga in Nepal and visit there to learn it from the gurus.
Hatha yoga
Hatha yoga is a very ancient form of yoga that is described in various ancient books. The oldest mention of Hatha yoga in the written text was found to be written in the 11th century Amrtasiddhi. It is a Buddhist text. In both the Hindy and Buddhist texts, the mention and description of Hatha yoga can be found. It is said that hatha yoga and its techniques were created by Lord Shiva himself. Shiva Shamita, Gheranda Shamita, Hata yoga pradipika are the remaining three original books on Hatha yoga.
It is believed that there were more but only these three classical are available now. The books are described in such a manner that, Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati are talking and he is describing the yoga, hatha yoga, and other yoga forms in detail with its possibilities. When giving the knowledge to his wife Shiva has also warned that the knowledge of this purest form of yoga is not for everyone and this knowledge should be kept a secret.
Matsyendra is believed to be the founder of the Hatha yoga form of yoga. It is believed that Matsyendra was also the incarnation of Lord Shiva. He was one of the greatest yoga gurus to have ever been on to this earth. Later he was succeeded by his student Gorakhnath who was as accomplished as him in yoga. When talking about hatha yoga both are remembered.
Hatha yoga is one topic but if we get inside Hatha yoga we are going to find that there are two types of Hatha yoga:
- Yajnavalkya
- This consists of the eight limbs of yoga
- Kapila
- This consists of the eight mudras
Hatha yoga in Nepal
Hatha yoga is taught in many places of the world. However, still, people prefer learning Hatha yoga in Nepal. Hatha yoga is just an example people from around the world prefer to learn yoga in Nepal and India. Generally, not ordinary yoga practitioners but the masters who have dedicated their lives to master yoga and its secrets arrive here to learn more about the ancient techniques. Still, the place has roots in the ancient yoga and yogic methods which are not found anywhere else in the world.
Why hatha yoga in Nepal?
There may be several reasons behind why Hatha yoga in Nepal. Some may get here by chance or by the recommendations of other people. However, let us assemble the facts and logic behind the Why Hatha yoga in Nepal.
Following are the reasons for Why Hatha yoga in Nepal?
Origin of Yoga
The first reason why Hatha yoga in Nepal is because it is the place of origin of yoga itself.
Yoga was born in ancient India which is now present-day Nepal, India, and other surrounding countries. There is a myth and a fact behind the origin of yoga. The myth tells that yoga was gifted to humans by the gods. Similarly, the technique of meditation and the knowledge of Ayurveda was also the gift of the gods to humans. May it be true or not, maybe the techniques were developed by humans in time. One after another and generation after generation contributed to making yoga what it is now.
Whatever the case may be one thing is certain Yoga originated in this very land. Maybe it was gifted by the gods to the humans or maybe it was made by the humans. Whatever the case it is the product of this very land and the connection the yoga has in this land will be hard to match in any other place in the world so people come to learn Hatha yoga in Nepal along with other forms and techniques of yoga.
Sanskrit texts
Ancient yoga texts were written in Sanskrit. (Sanskrit is the ancient language of the South Asian region, which is believed to be the oldest system of language). Many people do not know Sanskrit. Even the people who have roots in Nepal or are currently living there do not know the language. Only the selective people know about Sanskrit and are fluent in them. People arrive in Nepal to learn Sanskrit and want to communicate with the ancient texts of the Hatha yoga themselves. This is also the reason people want to learn Hatha yoga in Nepal.
The three classics on Hatha yoga
This also is the reason people want to learn hatha yoga in Nepal. There is a total of three surviving classical books on Hatha yoga which were written many times ago and have been made to this modern world. Shiva Shamita, Gheranda Shamita and Hata yoga pradipika. They are the purest knowledge of Hata yoga. The book is now available everywhere with the help of the internet. However, just reading is not enough to understand that ancient knowledge. That is why people want to study Hatha yoga in Nepal. They want to understand the classical and they know that they can utterly understand it here.
Serene environment
Hatha yoga in Nepal or any other form of yoga the basic requirement for yoga is a peaceful and serene environment. Nepal is known in the world for its beautiful natural resources and scenery. Yoga as much depends on the surroundings as it depends upon yourself. Hatha yoga in Nepal is best as Nepal has such amazing places and destinations to practice yoga. Want to practice Hatha yoga deep in the forests Nepal has it, want to practice it in the high Himalayas they also have it.
In ancient times also when sages or gods wanted to perform the activities such as yoga, meditation, or other self-purifying acts they sought serene places mountains, and beautiful forests. The greenery and peaceful environment affect the psychology of the person itself and subconsciously makes them calmer and accepting. The serene environment may convince people for Hatha yoga in Nepal.
Hinduism and Buddhism
Hatha yoga not only belongs to Hinduism but to Buddhism also. This also may be the reason for Hatha yoga in Nepal. The first written mention of Hatha yoga ever to be found is in the Buddhist text in the 11th century. Hatha yoga is the product of both Hinduism and Buddhism there is no doubt about that. Also, Nepal is the country that is the perfect harmonical combination of the religions Hinduism and Buddhism. One who wants to understand Hatha yoga to the depth must understand Hinduism and Buddhism to some extent as well and where else to learn that except Nepal. That is why people choose Nepal for hatha yoga.
The gurus and experts
This land has produced many gurus, sages, and experts in the yoga field. Many people are involved in the field of yoga. Some people even have dedicated their entire life to know about Hatha yoga and other forms of yoga. The depth of their knowledge and skill in the field of hatha yoga is unparallel. They had amassed a great amount of knowledge from ancient books, texts, and scriptures. They had learned from their gurus and the masters before them. The skill and technique they have are nowhere in the world so Hatha yoga in Nepal.
Valuable knowledge and certificate
The world of yoga is ever-growing. New yoga techniques are being discovered; the lost ancient methods are being re-discovered. People are getting increasingly involved in yoga. It is no wonder that people also want to build their careers in the yoga field. They want to start their career in Hatha yoga also.
It has a good scope and people can expect good living standard from it. However, to do that also and to build a solid career people will need good and valuable certificated that guarantee their proper learning and amassing vast knowledge regarding the related field. The yoga certificates of Nepal are considered very valuable around the world. That is why people want to learn hatha yoga in Nepal and other forms of yoga in Nepal also.
Best Hatha training and retreat centers
A considerate amount of people are involved in this sector of Nepal. Various places provide teacher training for Hatha yoga in Nepal. They are very dedicated to their work and provide the best to the people who come to learn from them. They not only provide the hatha yoga retreat but also give Hatha yoga teacher training by which one can be a teacher himself of this art of yoga.
To be a yoga teacher one needs to have mastered the many disciplines, just amassing a vast amount of knowledge is not enough to be a teacher. The Hatha yoga teacher training and retreat centers give the best knowledge and training which people can use anywhere in the world. To get authentic knowledge with such good services is amazing. That is why hatha yoga in Nepal.
Passing of generation to generation
Nepal is a source of hatha yoga knowledge that may not be found in texts and the internet. Passing the knowledge in the written form is one method of passing information from one generation to another. However, there was also the tradition of passing the knowledge and techniques in the practical and verbal form. Some knowledge and techniques may not have made it to the outside world also.
Some sages have gained the knowledge from the masters and will pass to another student nothing more or less than that. By coming to Nepal, one may even fill the missing gaps that people did not know were there in the first place. That is why Hatha yoga in Nepal.
Connecting to the past
Hatha yoga is ancient knowledge and technique there is no denying this fact. The technique was created hundreds of years ago and through this and that by many methods were passed from one generation to another. Now, through the dedication of many people, it has reached here. However, in this passage of time, many techniques, and methods of hatha yoga or the main yoga may have been lost. It is only natural for the dispersion of knowledge by the passage of time. Also, we are not talking about the passage of mere few years.
We are talking about hundreds and maybe thousands of years. The knowledge we have now may have many blanks left. Looking logically, it is nearly impossible to regain the knowledge that has been lost. However, there may be one last hope to find that lost knowledge which is Nepal itself. The knowledge originated here and there may still be some traces of it left if one looks for it hard enough.
Some individuals are researching Hatha yoga. They are already masters and know very much about it. However, they want to expand their horizon of the hatha yoga they know and find out the knowledge that may have been lost. It is not easy to find what may have been completely lost and nearly impossible for the average individual. However, for the masters who have dedicated their entire life to the learning of the Hatha yoga can. The gurus come to Nepal to research and find more about the past by reading books, deciphering scriptures, and many other things.
by Yoga In Nepal | Oct 20, 2021 | Yoga
The Nature Of True Yogi and What True Yogi Follows
Yoga is the collective set of ancient postures, breathing techniques, meditation collective as one. Today if someone talk about yoga it is what you will imagine in your mind. However, yoga is much vast and beyond just postures and technique. Now, the arts have reduced only to few breathings exercise and postures. Only true yogi has the ability to master the true essence of yoga. Without becoming a true yogi, it is impossible to master yoga completely.
Yoga is believed to have been created by Shiva. Mahadev or Shiva is one of the holy trinities of the Hindu mythology. In the Hindu mythology Lord Brahma is the creator of the universe, Lord Vishnu is the protector of the universe and Lord Shiva is the destroyer of the universe.
Mahadev in his Aadi yogi form created yoga and then distributed its knowledge to the human beings. He explained yoga in the true and godly form. At first due to meditation and Dhyan he formed the yogic principles and mastered it. Then, he decided this knowledge need to be passed into the world. Then with the help of Saptarishi, he distributed this knowledge to the world.
Nowadays, yoga is used for physical and mental well-being. However, as per Mahaddev stated in Shiva Shamita and Gheranda Shamita, the true yogi who had mastered the yoga in the purest for will achieve god like abilities. Their body will stop ageing, fire cannot burn them, nature indulges to their commands etc. These are some of the feats of true yogi as per Mahadev.
The individual who has gone beyond the strings of the world and relations, and mastered the yoga is called as true yogi. They have grasped the same form that was bestowed upon by Mahadev himself. They are the one who have moved beyond the comprehension of normal peoples. It is said that they see the universe in new light. They see the universe and all the living creatures, non-living beings as one instead as the individual.
True yogi has some peculiar nature that they have obtained through a lot of hardships in their journey. Following are the nature of the True yogi:
Samat Vam (Even mindness)
This is the first character of the true yogi as described by lord Krishna. Samat Vam is the strength of mind and its stillness. The mind of the yogi should be as bright as the fire. At the same time, as in the absence of the wind the fire at the lamp remains steady, same should be with the mind of the yogi.
The true yogi sees the world in the equal light regardless the species, relative, friend all are same. They are free from all the attachments of this world. They do not expect anything from anyone and hold attachments to no one. They believe everyone alive in this universe was made from the elements of the universe and at point everyone will return to the universe. When the yogi is able to achieve this, he moves his journey to become the true yogi.
Atma bandhu (Friend of one’s soul)
Most people in the world think their physical body is them. Few of them think that not their body but their mind is actually them. Fewer, realize that even their mind is temporary and their soul is their true essence.
Then, comes true yogi who knows their soul and their body, has established the perfect connection between them and are the true friend of their soul. Their soul is in perfect harmony, it has no inner conflict. The soul knows only peace, harmony and calmness and only desires them. They realize that the true friend which one seeks in their life is the one within us all along. The friend that lives inside never leaves, never betrays and will always be with you till the end.
Jita mana (One who wins over himself)
Human beings live only to fulfill the desire of either the mind or the body. They earn, to fulfill the desires of the body. They set goals, has ambition and work to get them to fulfill the desire of the mind. However, there are some who have conquered both mind and body are called true yogi. Human mind is the most active and restless part of the body. It is so restless that even when the body is still it may be wandering stars and ocean. It is extremely difficult to make stable such playful mind.
True yogi has completely conquered, their mind and body. Instead of providing, mind and body they desire and being entrapped in the worldly process. True yogi goes deeper and achieve what their soul desires. Instead of getting caught in worldly matters their goal is to go beyond such and free the soul.
Tript atma (Satisfied soul)
What satisfies you? The question if presented to an average adult he/she will make long list of materials and says they will be satisfied. However, the question is if they were to be given the things, they demanded they may be satisfied for some time but they won’t remain satisfied for long, they want more they demand more. The fact is that, even if the entire world is given to them, they want more.
What satisfies you? The question if presented to true yogi, the answer will be I am satisfied completely even I have nothing. They get satisfied with whatever they get and also if they don’t get anything. This is the nature of the true yogi. They have move past the desires, want and know only what they need. Above anything their soul is satisfied, they seek no more satisfaction from worldly materials.
Yukta (Balanced and steadiness)
Balance is the most important nature if the true yogi. Everything in this universe exists with the delicate balance. The earth is where it is due to balance. The life exists on earth due to balance of various things. Likewise, this true of the universe is adopted by the true yogi.
The true yogi’s life revolves around the balance. Everything he does is out of balance. He does not desire anything, he has no attachments to anyone, he is not close to anyone but despite this he cannot get rid of balance. Instead, he needs to welcome balance and stability into himself and his life. Yoga is for the peoples who can achieve balance. They cannot eat excessively, nor they can reject eat or sleep completely. The true yogi balances them, not too much not too less but at the exact amount as much as is sufficient.
The walk yogi takes, the practices he does, the food he takes, the rest he needs, the knowledge he receives all need to be in balance and steadiness. Neither too less, nor too much just enough.
Citta Yukta (Self-absorbed)
People are so entangled in worldly affairs in material world and in other peoples that never know themselves. Citta Yukta is the character that defines the ultimate nature of the true yogi. This says that they are complete and happy in themselves. They do not need other people or other worldly materials to be happy. They themselves can feel the true happiness.
First yoga starts as the beginner, then as the yogi start to master it various changes start to appear in the body of yogi. As, the time passes they start to feel the universe. The more immersed they become more closer they become with the universe and to the almighty. They are always in bliss, happiness within themselves because even though they appear to be far, they are closest to the god and universe. That is the source of their bliss, excitement, and happiness.
Dukkha Viyog am (Detaching from pain and suffering)
Pain and suffering are the basic nature of life. Everyone born on the earth will eventually suffer, this is the ultimate truth of the world. Rich or poor, beautiful, or not, talented, and artistic or not they will suffer, pain is inevitable. Mentally, emotionally, physically, or spiritually pain is inevitable, more than once in lifetime people must deal with one or more of them.
Everyone in this is world are in the reach of suffering, except the true yogi. They have reached beyond the grasp of pain and suffering. The pain and suffering in our life are due to the attachments, the materials we hold dear, our loved ones, love for one’s physical body, expectations, and failure.
However, true yogi are the individuals who have moved beyond material world, attachments, and needs of the physical body. This enables them to go beyond the grasp of pain and suffering. Instead of running and being afraid from pain and suffering, they embrace and accept it as a characteristic of the life.
These were the nature and characteristics of the true yogi. However, what follows after somebody have mastered the true yoga. What will happen to the true yogi after they master the true yoga:
According to Mahadev in shiva Shamita, the true yogis when watched through the eyes of the normal humans feel like watching a god. Their whole-body changes in the way that are beyond comprehension. After, becoming a true yogi the elements in the universe, move to the yogis will. They can levitate their body in air, live under water and make their body adapted to anything in the universe. These changes follow when one masters true yoga.
Healed from inside and outside
What abilities yoga may possess, but the true nature of yoga is healing. Yoga practice heals the individual from mental, physical, and spiritual suffering. The journey of achieving true yoga is the most demanding thing one can attempt in their lifetime. However, if they achieve the true yoga, every pain and suffering in their life will be meaningless.
Mahadev gave the secret knowledge of yoga to his wife Parvati in Shiva Shamita and Gheranda Shamita. In the books, Mahaddev has stated that the individual who have achieved true yoga, nothing in the world is impossible for them. True yogi can achieve each and every thing they wish to achieve in this world. Through, the continuous efforts of yoga and gaining knowledge, they maximize the hidden potential within them exponentially
After, achieving true yoga. The yogi’s start to see the world differently. Wheb the yogi’s talk the universe listens and when the universe responds the yogi can understand them. Nobody can be one with the universe until they have mastered the true yoga.
Knowledge is the one of the greatest gifts that humankind have received from the god. This knowledge and conscious within us is the very thing that separates us from the other animals in the world. When a yogi achieves true yogi, the knowledge within them is maximized. They get the new perception to looks at the things. They have the knowledge that are impossible to achieve to the average people.
After achieving true yoga, the mind and heart of the yogi becomes steady and calm. Regardless of the situation they will remain calm and steady. One who have conquered their desires, mind and heart can always be in their best selves. In the excited state, rage, or under pressure taken decision always tend to be harmful. If the mind is steady and calm every situation can be analyzed within the depth and right decision can be taken.
Samadhi is the end goal of every yoga. No, yogi can achieve true yoga and become true yogi until and unless they achieve samadhi. When the yogi achieves everything in yoga, samadhi is the final and the most major step one has to take to become true yogi.
Samadhi is the perfect union of our soul with the god, the one who is the universe itself and beyond. Samadhi is the greatest happiness one can achieve in their life. The yogi who has achieved samadhi are always in the state of bliss and utter happiness. After, achieving the samadhi only they become true yogi and one with the god.
by Yoga In Nepal | Oct 10, 2021 | Yoga
Modern Yoga- Brief introduction
Who does not know about yoga? Yoga has become some sort of trend of the modern world. Now, from the commoners to the celebrity everybody practices yoga for their wellbeing. Yoga is a very diverse topic; one’s whole life may pass and not be enough to understand yoga completely. Various forms, variations exist as yoga is so well flourished and distributed to the various parts of the world. Various gurus and sages with research and their knowledge invented many types of yoga. Such, one type is modern yoga.
One of the core benefits of yoga is strengthening the mind, body, and spirit. Yoga unites the mind, body, and soul to increase the confidence of the people. Yoga in this desperate time can be much more. It can be the physical activity that keeps you busy, it can be the thing to keep your mental health in check. It can be the thing to keep you healthy to fight the disease.
Different Forms Of Modern yoga
There are many yoga forms that existed in ancient times, such one was Hatha yoga. Hatha yoga is one of the ancient techniques which uses postures, breathing exercises, etc to balance the energy within the body. Modern yoga is derived from Hatha yoga. 4 Different forms of Modern yoga are described below:
1. Modern Psychosomatic yoga
Modern psychosomatic yoga is a type of modern yoga. It uses body mind and spirit training. It emphasizes practical experience, places relativity little restriction on doctrine, and is practiced in a privatized setting. The father of the modern yoga renaissance was Yogendra. He was also the one who opened the yoga institute at Santa Cruz.
Kaivalyadhama Shrimad Madhav yoga mandir samiti was founded by kuvalayananda in 1924. Then he was the one who emphasized its health benefits. Modern yoga was profoundly affected by this contribution. His goal was to revive and modernize the yoga that was sleeping in the ancient texts and scriptures. The goal was to decipher the yoga of ancient times to its core, revitalize and recreate it to connect with the present time.
In 1925 Self-realization fellowship was established in Los Angles. This was done after Yogananda moved to America. The fellowship taught yoga, breathing techniques, asanas, and postures there to everyone who was interested. The people there also got to experience the power and effect of mantra chanting. Other various institutions and schools of yoga were established in various parts due to the combined efforts of various gurus and the people who wanted to be immersed in yoga.
These yoga institutions started to modernize and enhance yoga with their knowledge and core research. However, the core and base of these modifications were still Hatha yoga its techniques and its principles.
Body-mind spirit training and emphasizing practical experiences are one of definitions of the Modern Psychosomatic yoga of Modern yoga.
2. Modern Mediational Yoga
Modern Mediational Yoga of Modern yoga focuses on concentration and meditation using various techniques and methods. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in 1950’s taught a specific form of yoga to his disciple and anyone who was willing to learn from him. The same techniques were also taught later in 1964 in Sri Chinmoy’s yoga centers. The very techniques are also adopted and taught by various Buddhist organizations and yoga centers in 21th century.
The technique and type of meditation was called Transcendental meditation. It is a method used for enhancing focus and concentration. Also, it is an inseparable part of Modern yoga. The technique of Transcendental meditation is of a unique one. In this technique the practitioner, chants mantra for 15 to 20 minutes twice a day in silence. There are thousands of ways to be immersed in a meditation if a person looks through it. However, the use of Mantra to be immersed into meditation has been used for thousands of years.
Mantras are the ancient Hindu sacred words, that were chanted to please the deity or to amass huge amount of spirituality and spiritual power within oneself. There are hundreds of thousands of mantras that can be chanted. One can select the mantra they like or get it from their gurus. There is no restriction that the mantra needs to be something that pleases or signifies some god. One can create their own mantra if that is the case. They can use the words that give a sensation of peace to their mind or some verses they need to achieve or want to achieve through the meditation.
Modern yoga describes Modern Meditational yoga and Transcendental meditation as both religious and non-religious thing. But the question is how can they be both as one? Modern yoga describes it in a clear manner.
According to Modern yoga, the religious part of this meditation is based on Hinduism and if the practitioner follows Hinduism can be used to be closer to his gods. Now, for the non-religious practitioners they can skip the whole religious aspect and see it as the medium for self-improvement and development.
3. Modern Denominational Yoga
Modern Denominational Yoga is a form of Modern yoga that revolves around Neo- Hinduism. But first What is neo-Hinduism?
Neo-Hinduism can be very new word to many. The word is used to describe the perception and view of the gurus and leaders associated with Hinduism. It can also be understood as the side branch of Hinduism that co-exists with the main Hinduism branch and other side branches also.
In Modern Denominational Yoga of Modern yoga, the founders create their own schools and teaching centers. Each school have a specific type of teachings, beliefs and focuses on and around them. The schools have beliefs, system and even hierarchy which may be unique to all of them.
The people who follow Modern denominational Yoga are often also described as the cults. They have beliefs that may resemble Hinduism or some so distant that they even may not have the trace of Hinduism. Modern denominational Yoga of Modern yoga, also have their own way of meditation and practicing yoga. The yoga techniques may be derived from the ancient Hindu yoga, modified or even the guru may also have created it. Their nature sometime also can depict of that of the sectarian.
Brahma Kumaris founded in 1930 by Lekhraj Kripalani. Hare Krishna or ISKCON of Prabhupada, Rajneesh movement of Osho are some of the examples of Modern Denominational yoga of Modern yoga. There are many examples of these types of organization which share the cult like behaviors and has their guru as their central figures. They are incredibly unique also compared to one another in regards of their ways and principle.
Brahma Kumaris, ISKCON, Rajneeshism and Sahaja yoga re some of the most notable organizations which differs in many ways and seeing this one can utterly understands the nature of Modern Denominational Yoga.
Brahma Kumari teaches yoga, meditation, asanas to their followers with the belief that by doing so they are moving towards the god himself. Here in Brahma Kumari, the role of gods also come into play and is the central figure of the organization alongside the guru who founded it.
Sahaja yoga on the other hand beliefs that meditation and yoga is the thing that bring s out the evolution within the human being. It focuses on Moksha. Moksha is the eternal freedom that is attained by the true awakening and gaining of the cosmic consciousness. Here, the concept of the god is not as central as the Brahma Kumaris. Instead of moving towards the god they seek the liberation they want within themselves and pursue it to gain Moksha.
Rajneeshim is on the other hand different than both in their beliefs, concepts, and ways. They prefer to live in the places that are isolated from the huge human settlements and enjoy to live life in their own ways. They use dynamic meditation and chaotic breathing to enhance their body, knowledge, and spirituality. They believe in free love that being closer to God and other aspects.
The prime character of Modern Denominational yoga of Modern yoga is that God may or may not be the central figure of their belief and devotion. Their system of belief and hierarchy completely depends upon the rules and system set by their founders. The figure of guru or the founder of the school or organization is the central figure of their beliefs and that may or may not include God.
4. Modern Postural Yoga
Modern Postural Yoga is the final element of the Modern yoga. Tirumalai Krishnamacharya is the father of Modern Postural yoga. He taught “A marriage between Hatha yoga, Wrestling exercise and modern wrestling gymnastic movements. “He taught all that with the will of Maharaja of Mysore in 1930s. He was the one to research the ancient techniques of yoga and connect it with the modern world. He was also the one to restart the tradition of sun salutation. He then included sun salutation in his dynamic practice.
Tirumalai Krishnamacharya instructed many students in his lifetime and when their time came, they distributed their knowledge and techniques to the various parts of the world. Pattabhi Jois, Indra Devi and the son of the guru Desikchar are some of his students. They in their time came to the lime light and further promoted the yoga and the yoga techniques.
Modern Postural Yoga of the Modern yoga is based on the postures as the name itself suggests. The most fractions consist of postures and asanas, however Modern postural yoga of Modern yoga is much more than that. There are 19 standing asanas in Modern yoga. These asanas were adapted from the ashtanga yoga to Vini yoga. Before the 1900 there were not much on standing yoga.
Standing asanas are those techniques of Modern yoga where both feet’s must be steadily touching on the ground. They are believed to be the core of Modern yoga and modern postural yoga. After the 20th century the standing yoga reach its peak as many of the new forms related to the standing Yogas were invented. Surya namaskar and the ancient gymnastic that was practiced in the ancient India is believed to be the source form where the new forms of the standing yoga are being invented.
The modern postural yoga of Modern yoga involves many things and aspects beside the standing asanas. Hatha yoga and the principles of the Hatha yoga are also the building blocks of the Modern yoga. Hatha is one of the oldest yoga techniques and classics that is still alive today in its most original forms.
Hatha yoga is the source of many yoga forms that are practices today. They are either modified with the inspiration of Hatha yoga or are directly adapted from the original source. Besides Hatha yoga Bikram yoga and the aerobics also are the inspirations to the Modern postural yoga. The Bikram yoga includes the yoga practice in the heating room with the temperature 41 degrees and has 26 asanas with 2 breathing exercises.
Modern postural yoga also contains the inspiration of other yoga forms. Lyengar yoga, which deals with alignment of postures, walking slowly and which ends with relaxation. Sivananda yoga which focuses on spirituality, meditation, and relaxation. It has pranayama exercises, and contain 12 basic poses as the base to the yoga. One of the main rules and aspect of Sivananda yoga is its vegetarian diet and healthy food. Whereas Jivamukti yoga consists of asanas that are combined with music, dance, mantra chanting and other recreational activities.
After the light of Modern postural yoga was lighted by Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, the field started growing by the efforts of the students who were taught by him. The field kept increasing and is what it is today.
by Yoga In Nepal | Aug 25, 2021 | Yoga
Gentle Yoga Flow Sequence In Detail
Yoga is extremely popular nowadays. Surf through the internet in detail or social media, there is a high chance a celebrity you are following, your friends, or someone you know has something in their timeline about yoga. Why is yoga so popular today? Where did it come from? There are lots of questions.
There are so many forms of yoga that you having no base knowledge just dived into the field. There is a certain chance that you are going to be overwhelmed. Many forms and techniques exist in various cultures and parts of the world. One of the popular and widely used forms of yoga is gentle yoga flow.
Yoga has been around for thousands of years. Looking at the history of yoga, it was invented thousands of years ago in the ancient kingdom of India. Which currently are present-day countries India and its neighbors like Nepal and others. The people of that region believe that yoga is not even human creation, it was a gift from the gods.
According, to Hindu mythology Shiva in the form of Aadi yoga gifted the knowledge of yoga to humans. The time when humans were new to the earth, and civilization was extremely ancient. A yogi appeared in the mountains; he was doing all the amazing things the like world had never seen before.
He meditated, stood, and performed amazing postures that were enchanting. The people demanded to know the knowledge from him. The yogi selected a few of them who were worthy to have such knowledge and passed his knowledge to them, who in turn taught yoga to the world.
Anciently Hindu texts and scriptures further elaborate the yoga as something quite different than what we see and imagine yoga as. Described by Mahadev in the Hindu scriptures, Yoga was something made to give moksha, liberation, and enlightenment to those who practiced it. Those who had truly mastered yoga as described by Mahadev would have gained the powers like the gods. Comparing it to the yoga we know and practice today, we only have barely scratched the surface of yoga and its true form.
Many times, have passed since the formation of yoga and in that time many variations of yoga have been formed. The process of creation of the variations is still not complete. Only taking about the late century many forms and types have been created basing it on the original yoga, that is how much diversified yoga has become.
More about Gentle Yoga Flow
Gentle yoga flow is the yoga practice in which gentle yoga postures are practiced simultaneously one after another. The series involves multiple postures in systematic orders, which are not difficult. Yoga postures are of various ranges, some are easy while some may be exceedingly difficult, some are even impossible to do immediately and needs years of constant practice and dedication that to under the supervision of the gurus. Gentle yoga flow is completely the opposite of that and only uses simple methods and postures to perform the yoga.
Somedays the body does not want to get into laborious postures. However, their gentle yoga flow to the rescue. They are exceptionally light and can be done to warm the body when you feel like you are just not into it today.
Since gentle yoga flow utilizes simple postures and movements it is also perfect for old people. When people get old, they lose their energy and movements become restricted and slow. However, that is the time when yoga is more needed to balance life. But the old muscles cannot do the difficult yoga postures and movements like the young people do. For them also gentle yoga flow is the best.
Gentle yoga flow is not the specific set of practices like other forms of yoga-like ashtanga yoga or others where one steps come after another, but it is a gentle sequence that awakens the body in various manners. Gentle yoga flow can also be practiced by people who are extremely ill and suffer from terminal diseases. If you can just move ok due to the illness of the body and feel that your body needs movement and little exercise then also gentle yoga flow can come to the rescue.
Gentle yoga flow sequences
There are many gentle yoga flow sequences one can practice.
1. Warm-up
Warm-up is the first step of gentle yoga flow. No matter which sequence you are practicing warm-up is the first step. Warm-up opens the body and muscles to the moment. No matter it is yoga, gentle yoga, exercise, or other activities warm-up prepares the body for upcoming actions. Take a deep breath, and relax the muscles of the body with little gentle movements of the parts of the body.
2. Seated ankle rotation

Seated ankle rotation is an amazingly simple step of gentle yoga flow. It activates the muscle of the foot and ankle area. To this step of gentle yoga flow, sit at 90 degrees with the ground and place the hands on either side of the hips. Get your breath in your control and settle down comfortably in this position. Now slowly begin the rotation of the ankle. First, rotate either one in the clockwise direction and then the anti-clockwise direction. Then same with other foot. Then finish by doing both feet at once.
3. Fire log pose

Now, for the next step of gentle yoga flow, we go further from the seated ankle position. Relax and revert from the pose and take a deep breath. Then, here also sit in 90 degrees with the ground then bend the knee of the right foot to the left side. Do so that the feet of the right foot rests on the knee of the left foot parallelly. Doing so the feet of the left sit automatically parallel from the knee of the right side from downwards. Now gently lean forward and touch the floor with your fingers.
4. Cradle pose
Cardle poses in gentle yoga flow are also done while sitting. So, reverting from the fire log also poses no need to stand it. Now, take a deep breath and lift your feet of either side by interlocking the fingers of both hands. The knee should be inside the elbow of the side of which side leg is raised and feet inside of the elbow of the other hand. Hold for few seconds and release it. Wait for few seconds and do the same with other feet and release it after few seconds.
5. Mountain pose
Now to do the mountain pose you need to revert from the sitting position to that of the standing one. Now stand firmly on the ground then take a deep breath to start the mountain pose in a gentle yoga flow. Now, put your feet near each other.

Then stand strong and straight facing forward, take a deep breath and flex your feet fingers. Now taking a deep breath gently lift your body from the ground only using the fingers and try to find balance on them. Hold on for few seconds and revert to the original standing position.
6. Happy child pose
Our next yoga in gentle yoga flow is the happy child pose. To do the happy child pose now lie down on a firm and smooth floor by placing a mattress on it. Now, relax at first taking a deep breath then gently bring the knee closer to the chest.

Now, grab the big toes of the feet with the same side of the hands by placing both hands in the middle of the knees. Then slowly open the arms to deepen the stretch. Now slowly bring the hand towards 90 degrees as much as you can holding the toes. There is no need to make the perfect angle but try to do so. Hold on for few moments and slowly let go of the posture.
7. Tabletop poses
At the beginning of the tabletop, the pose sits at 90 degrees with the ground. Then slowly get your palm of the hands to touch the ground by slowly tilting the body backward. Now, raise your body upside by pressing the ground from the palm of your hands.

Then from the leg side also press the ground with feet to raise the mid-portion of the body above the ground. Try to make the mid-portion parallel to the ground as much as you can. Then after holding for some moments slowly revert to the normal body posture.
8. Supine spinal twist
Out next pose in gentle yoga flow is the supine spinal twist. To do this pose we are going to revert from the tabletop position and lie on the ground from the backside. Now, slowly stretch your arm to shoulder level. Then bend your left knee and cross your left foot to the knee of the right leg.

Slowly bend your entire body to the left side. If you find it hard to do, so use the left hand to slowly push the side of the body to the left. Now, look at the right side by slowly tilting the stretched hand to the head. Then, slowly revert to the original position lying on the ground. It is then time to do the same with another side of the body. Just like the other side cross the leg by bending the knee and go to a similar position and after holding for the moment revert to the original position.
There is one sequence of the gentle yoga flow however, there are many more sequences. You can also create your sequence of the gentle yoga flow. The beauty of the gentle yoga flow is that it is extremely flexible and anyone with the knowledge can create their sequence. Find the gentle poses and create a sequence based on similarities or impact parts.
There are many sequences on the internet also if you find it hard to create the sequence you can always get help from the internet. The above-mentioned sequence of the gentle yoga flow is also not concrete. You can remove few steps or add other few steps or even do it in other order you find comfortable.
Benefits of gentle yoga flow
Easy to do
The main objective of gentle yoga is to be simple. It is so simple that everyone who wants can immediately learn it and do it. The old people who want to do yoga but are weak, ill people who are weak can easily do gentle yoga and get the benefits. The steps are amazingly simple and require extraordinarily little energy. It is as easy and simple as moving the body parts in normal everyday movements.
Gentle yoga flow is amazingly simple so beginner people who are unable to perform the hard poses also can do this yoga. Beginners without a proper guide can be overwhelmed by advanced techniques and the high number of poses. It will be good for them if they stick to gentle yoga flow.
Fast and efficient
Fast and efficient is the nature of the gentle yoga flow. The steps are fast and simple. Somedays you do not want to do the hard poses. You are ill nothing wrong with you, just want to have light and easy experiences. If that happens then gentle yoga flow is for that day.
Immunity and over health
People have a tough time believing that gentle yoga flow also gives the same benefit on immunity and health as the other forms and techniques. This reason is based on the logic that how can something so easy and simple compared to the other forms of yoga can give the same number of benefits.
Looking at the surface it is true that the gentle yoga style is not active as other forms of yoga, however, it does not mean that it will not give the same benefits. The yoga that is included in the flow has special properties; they are designed so that they give maximum benefits at minimum effort.