by Yoga In Nepal | Nov 27, 2022 | Yoga
What is certified Yoga Teacher Training?
At the time that this publication was made, there are no recognized legal conditions anywhere in the world that must be met to receive certification. The takeaway from this is that if you want to learn how to teach yoga, all you really need to do is choose a yoga teacher training program that speaks to you and go headfirst into it.
If you want to be taken seriously, however, you should enroll in a Certified Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal program that has been officially recognized by the Yoga Alliance. Worldwide, you can find a wide variety of yoga teacher training programs that culminate in a 200-hour RYT certification, valid in many different yoga schools and traditions.
How does one go about obtaining Yoga Alliance’s RYT (Registered Yoga Teacher) designation? Anyone who has graduated from a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) program offered by a RYS is eligible to apply for RYT status. RYTs can earn different levels of certification based on their training and teaching experience.
Attending a 200-hour Certified Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal is a common first step for those hoping to pursue a career in yoga education. As was stated earlier, there are a wide variety of options for yoga training, with variations in style or tradition, time commitment (part-time vs. full-time), location (domestic vs. international), and price.
How to become a certified Yoga Instructor?
Any person who would like to teach yoga must complete a Certified Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal. You should investigate the many yoga teacher training options available. To avoid making a hasty decision, it is wise to first research alternative options.
As a kind of physical activity, yoga has been shown to be beneficial for a number of reasons, including its ability to reduce stress, calm the mind, and improve flexibility. This means that yoga can help with a wide range of health issues.
As a result, there has been an increase in the demand for yoga instructors who specialize in helping people overcome health issues. There are plenty of programs that can help you get started in the teaching profession, but not everyone can take advantage of them. But here’s the thing: it’s never been simpler to become a teacher.
If there is a particular Certified Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal whose teachings and methods particularly resonate with you, it is worth asking them about their education and training. You can extrapolate from your satisfaction with a teacher’s approach whether or not you like the institution they graduated from. Ensure that the yoga school you choose has been recognized by the Yoga Alliance to become a Certified Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal. If it isn’t, your degree might not be worth much.
Getting Certified Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal will most likely set you back more than $3,000. Spending that much cash requires you to be confident that your selection is the best option. Visit different yoga studios and schedule interviews with teachers you admire before making a final decision.
You’re interested in enrolling in Certified Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal that will help you develop professionally and personally. You won’t spend all your time on the yoga mat or in the classroom. An effective educational system will strike a balance between theoretical study and hands-on experience.
If you want to get certified in the United States, you’ll need to put in between 200 and 500 study hours. Those timeslots are flexible, so they can be compressed into a shorter time frame (a month, for example) or spread out over a whole calendar year.
The ideal program for Certified Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal will be one that works well with your busy schedule. Unfortunately, not everyone has the time or financial resources to attend school full time. It’s important to pick a course that works with your schedule. Obviously, if you can devote yourself to training full-time, you can speed up the certification process.
It’s recommended that you devote at least a year to regular yoga practise to become Certified Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal before beginning a yoga teacher training program. It will be easier to show that yoga has had a significant impact on your life if you do this.
Those with yoga experience for Certified Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal are usually the ones most sought after by schools. Practice yoga regularly, and you’ll stand out as a competitive candidate. You’ll get a better sense of whether or not a career in yoga is for you after engaging in the practise for a period.
It’s not uncommon for Certified Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal to need a second job to make ends meet. When you make yoga your full-time occupation, you may not have access to benefits like health insurance or a pension. Retirement plans and pensions are something you should prepare for on your own.
However, this does not rule out the possibility of making a living as a Certified Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal. These days, many yoga practitioners also maintain part-time employment. When you are ready to begin your Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, you can do so through an online program.
However, before committing to a single curriculum, it’s wise to explore other possibilities. Before enrolling, students should verify the course center’s legitimacy and accreditations. This is the most effective strategy. Online yoga teacher education programs are widely recognized as the industry standard.
The only way to become a Certified Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal, therefore, is through extensive experience in the field. After you’ve mastered the fundamentals of yoga, you should practise until you can instruct others without manuals or videos. These are the only ways to become a certified yoga instructor or teacher.
After this, you’ll be qualified to teach yoga as Certified Yoga Teacher Training in Nepal to others in health clubs and gyms, or to launch your own yoga class for the general public. No single essay could ever do justice to the many advantages of yoga. Also valid is earning a teaching certification from a recognized yoga organization.
Do your homework thoroughly to find the best yoga teacher training program when you’re ready to make your dream a reality. If you combine yoga with world-class instructors and a relaxing setting, you’ll have a great time.
by Yoga In Nepal | Nov 20, 2022 | Yoga
Do you know How to Heal Cancer with Yoga- Yoga For Cancer
Nowadays many people are suffering from cancer. It can be completely cured with yoga. So deepen into yoga for cancer healing. Patient should completely change his/her life style in order to heal. Each of the eight limbs of yoga is equally important for healing diseases. Here, we are going to discuss three limbs of yoga- Asana (third limb of yoga), pranayama (fourth limb of yoga) and meditation (seventh limb of yoga).
Asana Practice for Cancer
Asana, physical posture of yoga, is defined as stable, comfortable and delight state of body. It is the body posture adopted in performing physical activity of yoga. An asana can be performed in standing, sitting, lying and inverted position. There is no specific yoga for cancer i.e. not specific asana to heal cancer. However, every single asana does some common functions i.e. enhancing immunity power, releasing disease, keeping your body fit and fine.
Asana vitalizes your body which makes you able to fight against cancer disease. You can do asana practice for about one hour every day. Twelve rounds of conscious “Sun salutation” along with proper breathing and mantra chanting is very helpful. After that you can select some asana for practice. Remember that you should be mindful during the practice. Regular practicing of yoga for cancer in this way will give you a good health.
If you can make your practice 1 hour daily, you can easily get victory over cancer. Some of the common yoga for cancer i.e. asanas you can do are- Tadasana, Vrishasana, Trikonasana, Paschimottanasana, Virabhadarasana, Kati-chakrasana, Bhunhasana, Janu-sirshasana, Purvottanasana, Ardha-chandrasana, Matsyandrasana, Marichayasana, etc. If you have cancer, better to avoid inverted asanas. It is good to get guidance from a yoga and Ayurveda expert.
Asana brings awareness in the body. It helps to make your body cells more conscious and active while cancer decreases the alertness or consciousness. Thus, asana is just reverse form of diseases. In the language of yoga, disease is nothing only unwanted things in the body. When you do an asana and connect your mind to the body a harmonious unification between body and mind happens. During this process unwanted things in the body are removed. So diseases including cancer will remove from the root level. A perfect harmony between body and mind is the key to health.
Pranayama for Cancer
Another important aspect of yoga is Pranayama. In Pranayama, we expanse pranic (vital) energy in the body. The techniques applied here is regulating, controlling and mastering the breath as well as witnessing breath. When you are stabilized in an asana, effectiveness of Pranayama increases. There are many experiments that cancer is healed by pranayama. You can get proper amount of oxygen by pranayama which purifies your blood and body through cellular level. Cancer cannot remain in the body when it is purified. Thus, doing yoga for cancer is an ideal way.
Pranayama improves the functions of inner organs which helps you to invigorate your body. Different types of blockage in the nerves and in other inner organs of the body is removed with pranayama practice. This makes your energy level higher, makes you to feel lightness in body, gives good feelings, improves quality of sleep, and so on. The most important diet for brain is oxygen, which you can get with pranayama. If you cannot receive proper amount of oxygen, stress, anxiety, and many other psychosomatic diseases are created.
When this requirement is fulfilled by pranayama, stress level decreases, concentration increases, mind becomes calm and placid, positive and divine thoughts come in mind. Eventually, it prepares you for meditation. When you maintain this condition with regular pranayama, you can heal your cancer easily. Not only is yoga for cancer, but there remains no chance of any diseases in the body. It takes you back to perfect health.
Biology mentions that human has used only 40% of the lungs capacity. Sixty percent of its capacity is still unused. That is why you won’t receive proper amount of oxygen. When there is not sufficient amount of oxygen in the body, impurities start accumulating in the body. Eventually, these impurities appear in the form of various diseases including cancer.
When you do some pranayama, you will receive plenty amount of oxygen. Though you do yoga for cancer, it will work for all types of problem in the body. This recharges and revitalizes your body and mind. Psychology insists almost all types of diseases are created by mind. Whenever your mind is negative, your will decrease your immunity power which causes diseases. There are many types of pranayama like Kapalbhati, Bhastrika, Nadi-sodhan, Ujjyai, Bhramari, Surya Bhedi, Chandra bhedi, Kaki, Sheetali, Sheetakari, yogic breath, etc.
If you are really doing yoga for cancer, I suggest half an hour pranayama every day. However you need a guidance of an expert yoga teacher. Within three months you will see a great change. Pranayama keeps your mind peaceful and positive. If your body won’t get proper amount of oxygen, it prone to various diseases. You will attain a blissful state by the practice of pranayama. This will definitely help you to heal cancer.
Meditation for Cancer disease
Along with asana (physical postures) and pranayama, meditation should also be integrated in the practice. It is found that meditation is the best medication in the world. Meditation is the ultimate method to transform one’s mind. When the mind is changed, diseases are also cured. For cancer patients, meditation is very helpful for early healing. You don’t have to panic if you are suffering from cancer. Simply turn your life into yoga with faith and devotion, you will get a new life which ii healthy, sound, harmonious and happy.
When your body is in perfect condition, your mindfulness also increases. Your awareness level raises up. This is what meditation requires. To heal your cancer diseases you can do different types of diseases. However, you should understand that making a goal to heal diseases by meditation is same as trying to kill a mosquito by a powerful atom bomb which can destroy entire world. I mean meditation is done for higher purpose not for healing diseases.
Yet, you diseases are healed as a byproduct. Though people do yoga for cancer, real purpose of yoga is self-discovery. Thus, forget about your cancer or other diseases and do meditation for attaining higher level of the beings, supreme level of the existence. In the beginning, meditation may be challenging for you but gradually you will start enjoying meditation. It becomes a part of your life.
Do you know How to Heal Cancer with Yoga- Yoga For Cancer
Nowadays many people are suffering from cancer. It can be completely cured with yoga. So deepen into yoga for cancer healing. Patient should completely change his/her lifestyle in order to heal. Each of the eight limbs of yoga is equally important for healing diseases. Here, we are going to discuss three limbs of yoga- Asana (third limb of yoga), pranayama (fourth limb of yoga) and meditation (seventh limb of yoga).
Asana Practice for Cancer
Asana, physical posture of yoga, is defined as stable, comfortable and delight state of body. It is the body posture adopted in performing physical activity of yoga. An asana can be performed in standing, sitting, lying and inverted position. There is no specific yoga for cancer i.e. not specific asana to heal cancer. However, every single asana does some common functions i.e. enhancing immunity power, releasing disease, keeping your body fit and fine.
Asana vitalizes your body which makes you able to fight against cancer disease. You can do asana practice for about one hour every day. Twelve rounds of conscious “Sun salutation” along with proper breathing and mantra chanting is very helpful. After that you can select some asana for practice. Remember that you should be mindful during the practice. Regular practicing of yoga for cancer in this way will give you a good health.
If you can make your practice 1 hour daily, you can easily get victory over cancer. Some of the common yoga for cancer i.e. asanas you can do are- Tadasana, Vrishasana, Trikonasana, Paschimottanasana, Virabhadarasana, Kati-chakrasana, Bhunhasana, Janu-sirshasana, Purvottanasana, Ardha-chandrasana, Matsyandrasana, Marichayasana, etc. If you have cancer, better to avoid inverted asanas. It is good to get guidance from a yoga and Ayurveda expert.
Asana brings awareness in the body. It helps to make your body cells more conscious and active while cancer decreases the alertness or consciousness. Thus, asana is just reverse form of diseases. In the language of yoga, disease is nothing only unwanted things in the body. When you do an asana and connect your mind to the body a harmonious unification between body and mind happens. During this process unwanted things in the body are removed. So diseases including cancer will remove from the root level. A perfect harmony between body and mind is the key to health.
Pranayama for Cancer
Another important aspect of yoga is Pranayama. In Pranayama, we expanse pranic (vital) energy in the body. The techniques applied here is regulating, controlling and mastering the breath as well as witnessing breath. When you are stabilized in an asana, effectiveness of Pranayama increases. There are many experiments that cancer is healed by pranayama. You can get proper amount of oxygen by pranayama which purifies your blood and body through cellular level. Cancer cannot remain in the body when it is purified. Thus, doing yoga for cancer is an ideal way.
Pranayama improves the functions of inner organs which helps you to invigorate your body. Different types of blockage in the nerves and in other inner organs of the body is removed with pranayama practice. This makes your energy level higher, makes you to feel lightness in body, gives good feelings, improves quality of sleep, and so on. The most important diet for brain is oxygen, which you can get with pranayama. If you cannot receive proper amount of oxygen, stress, anxiety, and many other psychosomatic diseases are created.
When this requirement is fulfilled by pranayama, stress level decreases, concentration increases, mind becomes calm and placid, positive and divine thoughts come in mind. Eventually, it prepares you for meditation. When you maintain this condition with regular pranayama, you can heal your cancer easily. Not only is yoga for cancer, but there remains no chance of any diseases in the body. It takes you back to perfect health.
Biology mentions that human has used only 40% of the lungs capacity. Sixty percent of its capacity is still unused. That is why you won’t receive proper amount of oxygen. When there is not sufficient amount of oxygen in the body, impurities start accumulating in the body. Eventually, these impurities appear in the form of various diseases including cancer.
When you do some pranayama, you will receive plenty amount of oxygen. Though you do yoga for cancer, it will work for all types of problem in the body. This recharges and revitalizes your body and mind. Psychology insists almost all types of diseases are created by mind. Whenever your mind is negative, your will decrease your immunity power which causes diseases. There are many types of pranayama like Kapalbhati, Bhastrika, Nadi-sodhan, Ujjyai, Bhramari, Surya Bhedi, Chandra bhedi, Kaki, Sheetali, Sheetakari, yogic breath, etc.
If you are really doing yoga for cancer, I suggest half an hour pranayama every day. However you need a guidance of an expert yoga teacher. Within three months you will see a great change. Pranayama keeps your mind peaceful and positive. If your body won’t get proper amount of oxygen, it prone to various diseases. You will attain a blissful state by the practice of pranayama. This will definitely help you to heal cancer.
Meditation for Cancer disease
Along with asana (physical postures) and pranayama, meditation should also be integrated in the practice. It is found that meditation is the best medication in the world. Meditation is the ultimate method to transform one’s mind. When the mind is changed, diseases are also cured. For cancer patients, meditation is very helpful for early healing. You don’t have to panic if you are suffering from cancer. Simply turn your life into yoga with faith and devotion, you will get a new life which ii healthy, sound, harmonious and happy.
When your body is in perfect condition, your mindfulness also increases. Your awareness level raises up. This is what meditation requires. To heal your cancer diseases you can do different types of diseases. However, you should understand that making a goal to heal diseases by meditation is same as trying to kill a mosquito by a powerful atom bomb which can destroy entire world.
I mean meditation is done for higher purpose not for healing diseases. Yet, you diseases are healed as a byproduct. Though people do yoga for cancer, real purpose of yoga is self-discovery. Thus, forget about your cancer or other diseases and do meditation for attaining higher level of the beings, supreme level of the existence. In the beginning, meditation may be challenging for you but gradually you will start enjoying meditation. It becomes a part of your life.
by Yoga In Nepal | Jun 29, 2022 | Yoga
Yama in yoga and its five parts
Yamas in yoga are the Niyama’s by which the individual who follows the path of Yoga lives. Yoga and Yoga philosophies are the gifts of the ancient Hindu society as well as the various sages that came before. The field is vast and various rules and techniques are followed by the yogis to live a healthy and spiritual life and among those is the Yamas which is the rule by which a Yogi lives. Several types of Yamas have their quality and how they are the universal path of the individual.
There are 5 Yama in yoga. Following are the 5 Yama in yoga and their detailed description:
It is the non-violence Yama in yoga. Violence is found everywhere in the world, especially in this time and age people are more inclined to violence. However, the people who are involved in the path of yoga and Dharma are in the path of non-violence.
It is believed that every life in this world is sacred. Every soul is a fragment of the Brahma itself and when one takes a life in the process, they also harm their soul.
The path of Ahimsa is very difficult and not everyone can walk it. Most of the people are not murderers in this world and have not taken any life, however, still, they are not immune to violence and almost all humans have done some form of violence or have thought to do so in their minds. Ahimsa Yama in yoga teaches to even refrain from violent activities and even try to avoid the violent thoughts from their mind.
Satya is the truth Yama in yoga. This Yama in yoga teaches to tell and stay with the truth throughout the lifetime. Truth is something that has the quality of being true. It represents something that is reality or part of it.
The path of truth is hard one this Yama in yoga is even harder than the Ahimsya Yama in yoga. To walk the path of Satya one needs to always speak the truth and truth only no matter the situation. In the world of today where people lie in a sentence to sentence and even word to word, it is hard to keep on the path of Satya always.
Truth Yama in yoga tells that sometimes the truth can be hurtful and difficult to say, in these times it is easy to lie and deceive them. However, no matter how hurtful the truth is the one who follows Satya Yama in yoga must always speak the truth.
Asteya is the non-stealing Yama in yoga. This Yama in yoga tells that one must not take something that is not freely given to them. Looking on the surface it looks like it is the easiest to accomplish among the other Yama in yoga. However, it may be one of the most difficult among the five Yama in yoga.
Asteya means not to steal from anyone, and most people think that now stealing money or an object from someone is enough. However, this goes much deeper than this. For example, in this age of ideas, the stealing of ideas and thoughts are also stealing from somebody. Looking at this Yama in yoga at the level of society rather than on the personal level not giving the right to the oppressed people, injustice, and exploitation all are forms of stealing. Stealing just monetary or items is not stealing, but stealing important social factors and rights is also stealing.
Brahmacharya is the continence Yama in yoga. This Yama in yoga tells that one must overcome the lust within them. As human beings, we all have a desire for mating. However, when a human gets too tilted in those activities then he/she gets attached to the world of desires.
In the accident time, the great sages used to follow Brahmacharya. It is believed that when they attained Brahmacharya, getting rid of lust and desire, they gained massive power and gained enlightenment.
The power of reproduction is one of the greatest gifts of the human body. This is also the most potent ability in the human body that requires a considerate amount of strength. When this type of potent power is stored in the body by taking the path of Brahmacharya, amazing things can awaken within the body.
It is the last of the five Yama in yoga. This Yama in yoga tells to let go of everything that one does not need. Our scriptures tell us that this is the material world and beyond this is the eternal spiritual world which is everlasting and non-destroying. In this material world no matter what it is it is not permanent, even the bodies where our soul lives are not permanent and are meant to be destroyed. So, instead of following the things that are temporary and will be in the possession of other people after some time, one needs to focus on the soul of the individual which is permanent and eternal.
by Yoga In Nepal | Jun 22, 2022 | Yoga
Sushumna Nadi
We exist in a physical, mental, and spiritual state. We may think we are one single unit but are the combination of various things and complex entities. The same is with the energy supply system of our body. It is much more complex and involves various methods, ways and understandings to even understand the procedure briefly. One of the systems of the body is the Nadis, which are the small energy channels that are located all around the body and perform of supplying Pranas all over the body. The pranas are the vital life force that is present in all of us. There are mainly three and even among the three, there is Sushumna Nadi which plays the most vital role in the energy distribution and flow of the Prana.
Sushumna Nadi
This is the Nadi that is active at the center and said to be the most important. It performs various functions in the body and is believed to pave the road towards knowledge and salvation. There are various methods that the Yogi practice to awaken this Nadi as their goal is enlightenment and when activated Nadi will show the way to enlightenment. Yogi uses the power of Yoga and meditation to master this, Nadi. With effort, dedication, and discipline for a long amount of time, anyone can awaken this dormant power that lies in all of us.
Following are the functions of Sushumna Nadi:
Key channel
Sushumna Nadi is the key channel within the body where the energy flows. This Nadi starts at the Muladhara and ends at the base of the spine. The most notable thing about this Nadi is that this Nadi system lies at the center of the body and passes through all the chakra points in the body. Since it passes directly through all the chakra points located in the body to the base of the spine, it automatically becomes the strongest of the energy supply system among the other Nadis. It is also known to energize the chakra points through which it passes.
Compared to the other Nadis, when other Nadis become disturbed it hampers the body to a level. However, when this Nadi becomes hampered, it will also disrupt the flow of energy in the chakra points of the body
Meridian lines
Sushumna Nadi which is located at the center which is between Ida and Pingala Nadi is also known to govern over the six yang meridian lines.
Transfer of Prana
Prana is the subtle life energy that is ever-present within us. Prana is life itself and the true nature of life itself is subtlety. Prana is flowing through all of us through every organ and body part. Some parts need a higher concentration of Prana while some parts need a lower concentration but make no mistake each and everything needs Prana to be alive.
There are many Nadis in our body that transfer Prana to body parts. Some are important and named while some are not named but there is one that is the most important channel of Prana in the body that passes through even chakra points and that is Sushumna Nadi. Prana travels freely from the crown chakra to the root chakra through the Sushumna Nadi system.
Pathway to enlightenment
Enlightenment is a vast word that cannot be even defined in many books. Shortly we can say that it is the elevated state where one becomes one with the state of awareness. We are all aware to a certain level. In fact, with developed minds, humans are born with a certain level of awareness that is higher than that of animals. However, to go to the perfect cosmic level of awareness even humans must walk a difficult path that is going to challenge their beliefs and understanding.
Only a few have been able to sense this level of awareness and even a few have been able to achieve this level of awareness. It is believed that Sushumna Nadi is the path to enlightenment. Now, awakening does not necessarily grant enlightenment but opens the path that one has not noticed before in their lives right in front of them.
New energy
The Ida and Pingala Nadi are dominant in the left and right parts of the body. Ida looks at the right brain and the left part of the body while Pingala looks at the opposite part of the body. Most individuals can channel these Nadis and harness the gifts that are bestowed by them. They try, then awaken it and become satisfied with it. That is one of the many reasons why people are not able to move beyond Ida and Pingala.
Deep in their body there lies another dormant powerhouse that is even beyond the energy that you have tapped into. That is the very reason why Sushumna Nadi is also called the most significant aspect of human physiology. When Sushumna Nadi is activated and channels the Prana efficiently through it, the body becomes a receptor to various types of energy and power that one has never felt in their life.
by Yoga In Nepal | Jun 9, 2022 | Yoga
Mind level and its types
Our mind is the most prominent part of our body. It is situated inside our head and lies in the topmost part of the body and is responsible for the overall functioning of the body. Our mind is a single organ. Yes, it may be true but, on the surface, the mind is the combination of various parts and fragments which is unique from other parts and have their unique functions. They are collectively working together to form a single mind. The mind has a mind level and even those levels have their types.
There are two types of mind levels, the inner mind, and the outer mind. The outer mind has three parts, conscious mind, subconscious mind, and unconscious mind. However, the inner mind level is divided into four parts supra-conscious, superconscious, supreme conscious, and cosmic conscious.
Let us begin to look at mind levels, starting from the outer mind and its types:
Conscious mind
The conscious mind is the mind that is active on the surface, and one is currently aware of. It has a very volatile memory and passes memory to other parts of the mind. Simply, it is the part that is thinking about what you are thinking now. The mind that is on the surface and can be seen on the surface is only a fragment of our consciousness and mind. We can see that on the various mind level our conscious mind is the tip of the iceberg while a huge fragment of that iceberg remains underwater unseen by anyone.
Subconscious mind
This level of mind is the conscious and unconscious mind. This part stores the memory and experience that are sent by the conscious mind and returns it to it when the time of experience and past memory is needed. This mind is responsible for dreams and is more active when our conscious mind is not working, and it is during the time of sleeping.
It is said that the Subconscious mind is one of the most important parts of the mind itself. The subconscious mind is even more active and powerful than the conscious mind. It is the very reason why it is said that the mind is more active and powerful during sleep as it is the time when the subconscious mind. That is the very reason why some artists say that they sometimes compose their songs and music in their dreams and later write in the morning.
Unconscious mind
The unconscious mind is part of the outer mind level which acts as the reservoir of memory and feelings. This mind level is mostly the cause of our behavior, actions, and way of thinking which is based on core memory. Unlike the other part of the mind, this mind’s memory is not available for introspection. It is where the core memory is stored. Core memory is something that is at the core of the memory, and in fact, people are not even able to alter it or remember it.
Now, let us look at the types of inner mind levels and their types:
Superconscious mind
It is the type of mind that reaches the highest level of awareness of the human mind. Frankly speaking, it is even beyond the conscious and the subconscious mind. This mind is linked to the third eye chakra and is located between the center of two eyebrows. This mind is the link that one needs to tap into the state of energy by living in this material world.
Supra conscious mind
It consists of three words, Supra, conscious, and mind where supra means beyond. This is the level of mind that is beyond the conscious mind. There are many things beyond the outer and the conscious mind, which deal with energy and the realm beyond the world of matter. These inner mind levels exist in the physical plane but operate and connect with the spiritual realm. The supra-conscious mind level is beyond logic, consciousness, and even reality.
Supreme conscious mind
It is the mind that when activated provides the state of supreme consciousness. It is said that everything in this entire universe is changeable and with time changing all aspects is inevitable and the only thing that is going to remain constant and unchanging is the supreme consciousness. A supreme conscious mind provides a sense of equality for the individual who has activated it. They see each and everyone without any form of indifference and discrimination.
Cosmic conscious mind
The intellectual potential that is given by the cosmic conscious mind is called cosmic consciousness while the source or the mind which grants the connection to those is called the cosmic conscious mind. It is one of the ultimate states of the inner mind level, which when activated grants the ultimate knowledge of the cosmos itself.
The cosmos is the entire universe itself and the energy related to the cosmos is called cosmic energy. The cosmic mind level of the human body grants the individual the connection to knowledge and touch with the energy of the cosmos.
by Yoga In Nepal | Jun 1, 2022 | Yoga
Niyama in yoga and its 5 parts
Niyama in yoga are the guidelines and duties of healthy living and a liberated state of the soul. Niyama is a Sanskrit word and when translated it means rules and Niyama in yoga are the rules of the life by which one should live. When one follows the saying of Niyama in yoga they get the satisfaction of the soul which is extremely hard to achieve otherwise.
There are a total of 5 Niyama in yoga. Let us look at all those Niyama in yoga in detail:
Sauch means cleanliness. This Niyama in yoga is all about cleanliness and clearness. It means the purity of both the mind and body. The mind is our inner self and is the first part of the process of Sauch. While the second is the body and is our external self by which we interact with the world.
Our outer body needs to be cleaned as well as our surroundings. Clean body and clean surroundings are the first aspects of healthy living. When the body and surroundings are unclean, it becomes the host of various diseases and conditions. However, when the environment and surroundings are cleaned the disease cannot exist there.
A clean mind is also as important as a clean body. When the mind is not clean it becomes host to various negative thoughts and feelings. Some thoughts and emotions are very harmful to one’s very existence so one needs to follow the rules of Sauch.
Santosha means satisfaction. This Niyama in yoga is all about getting happy with what one has. Human beings have endless desires and wishes. No matter who they are and in what position they are, their needs and desire are never going to get settled. A person may either be extraordinarily rich or extremely poor, they have a good life with basic needs or not, it does not matter most are not satisfied.
Santosha Niyama in yoga, tells everyone to be satisfied with what they have. Yes, one needs to always try to be their better self and strive for excellence. However, one also needs to be satisfied with what one has.
Tapas means self-discipline. This Niyama in yoga is all about living in the discipline. Discipline is another thing that sets humans apart from everyone. Animals can be trained to be disciplined, through fear and other means. However, they will never be in discipline to obtain something more or to get near to their soul, that is only what humans can do and that is what makes them very much special.
One needs to set boundaries and discipline themselves to achieve great things. Tapas in simple terms means austerity. May it be from sexual pleasure, or through the path of rejecting the world and material environment, the path is paved towards freedom and finding one’s greater self. Tapas Niyama in yoga assembles spiritual power through the process of austere. When all of the distractions are rejected and only focused on the soul, the one thing that truly matters wonders happens.
Svadhyaya means self-reflection. This Niyama in yoga is all about learning about yourself. The world is very big and mysterious, there are wonders and magic in every part of the world. It is amazing how much there are. However, while looking at the vastness and everything about the world we forget to see ourselves. The eyes and the body that are watching and experiencing this vast and entire world are also as worthy and amazing as the world which deserves knowing, studying and reflection.
We are a soul that is living in this body. Most of us think that we are body and experience the world through it, trying to figure out the world. However, we also need to figure out ourselves and that is what Niyama in yoga tells. When one closes their eyes to the world then they see themselves, the real them which is hidden from the world even themselves. One can meditate, think about their actions, practice yoga to self-reflect.
Ishvarapranidhana means to surrender to higher power or Ishvara. This Niyama in yoga is about giving yourself to the almighty. Here higher power means Para Brahma who is the source of everything. By everything, it means the source of all of the life, non-living, living everything is Para Brahma. Even we are all part of the eternal soul.
Eternal peace and eternal bliss are only obtained when one truly connects with Parabrahma. We all have the fragment of God inside of us but without realizing it and working we are never going to activate the connection. Ishvarapranidhana Niyama in yoga tells the way to surrender oneself to the higher power and make the way to bliss.
There are various questions regarding what or who is Ishvara. Ishvara depends upon the individual. Meaning that Ishvara is not a specific god or entity, they can be anyone with a personal connection to the individual.