Do you know How to Heal Cancer with Yoga- Yoga For Cancer

Nowadays many people are suffering from cancer. It can be completely cured with yoga. So deepen into yoga for cancer healing. Patient should completely change his/her life style in order to heal. Each of the eight limbs of yoga is equally important for healing diseases. Here, we are going to discuss three limbs of yoga- Asana (third limb of yoga), pranayama (fourth limb of yoga) and meditation (seventh limb of yoga).

Asana Practice for Cancer

Asana, physical posture of yoga, is defined as stable, comfortable and delight state of body. It is the body posture adopted in performing physical activity of yoga. An asana can be performed in standing, sitting, lying and inverted position. There is no specific yoga for cancer i.e. not specific asana to heal cancer. However, every single asana does some common functions i.e. enhancing immunity power, releasing disease, keeping your body fit and fine.

 Asana vitalizes your body which makes you able to fight against cancer disease. You can do asana practice for about one hour every day. Twelve rounds of conscious “Sun salutation” along with proper breathing and mantra chanting is very helpful. After that you can select some asana for practice. Remember that you should be mindful during the practice. Regular practicing of yoga for cancer in this way will give you a good health.

 If you can make your practice 1 hour daily, you can easily get victory over cancer. Some of the common yoga for cancer i.e. asanas you can do are- Tadasana, Vrishasana, Trikonasana, Paschimottanasana, Virabhadarasana, Kati-chakrasana, Bhunhasana, Janu-sirshasana, Purvottanasana, Ardha-chandrasana, Matsyandrasana, Marichayasana, etc. If you have cancer, better to avoid inverted asanas. It is good to get guidance from a yoga and Ayurveda expert.

Asana brings awareness in the body. It helps to make your body cells more conscious and active while cancer decreases the alertness or consciousness. Thus, asana is just reverse form of diseases. In the language of yoga, disease is nothing only unwanted things in the body. When you do an asana and connect your mind to the body a harmonious unification between body and mind happens. During this process unwanted things in the body are removed. So diseases including cancer will remove from the root level. A perfect harmony between body and mind is the key to health.

Pranayama for Cancer

Another important aspect of yoga is Pranayama. In Pranayama, we expanse pranic (vital) energy in the body. The techniques applied here is regulating, controlling and mastering the breath as well as witnessing breath. When you are stabilized in an asana, effectiveness of Pranayama increases. There are many experiments that cancer is healed by pranayama. You can get proper amount of oxygen by pranayama which purifies your blood and body through cellular level. Cancer cannot remain in the body when it is purified. Thus, doing yoga for cancer is an ideal way.

Pranayama improves the functions of inner organs which helps you to invigorate your body. Different types of blockage in the nerves and in other inner organs of the body is removed with pranayama practice. This makes your energy level higher, makes you to feel lightness in body, gives good feelings, improves quality of sleep, and so on. The most important diet for brain is oxygen, which you can get with pranayama. If you cannot receive proper amount of oxygen, stress, anxiety, and many other psychosomatic diseases are created.

When this requirement is fulfilled by pranayama, stress level decreases, concentration increases, mind becomes calm and placid, positive and divine thoughts come in mind. Eventually, it prepares you for meditation. When you maintain this condition with regular pranayama, you can heal your cancer easily. Not only is yoga for cancer, but there remains no chance of any diseases in the body. It takes you back to perfect health.

Biology mentions that human has used only 40% of the lungs capacity. Sixty percent of its capacity is still unused. That is why you won’t receive proper amount of oxygen. When there is not sufficient amount of oxygen in the body, impurities start accumulating in the body. Eventually, these impurities appear in the form of various diseases including cancer.

When you do some pranayama, you will receive plenty amount of oxygen. Though you do yoga for cancer, it will work for all types of problem in the body. This recharges and revitalizes your body and mind. Psychology insists almost all types of diseases are created by mind. Whenever your mind is negative, your will decrease your immunity power which causes diseases. There are many types of pranayama like Kapalbhati, Bhastrika, Nadi-sodhan, Ujjyai, Bhramari, Surya Bhedi, Chandra bhedi, Kaki, Sheetali, Sheetakari, yogic breath, etc.

If you are really doing yoga for cancer, I suggest half an hour pranayama every day. However you need a guidance of an expert yoga teacher. Within three months you will see a great change. Pranayama keeps your mind peaceful and positive. If your body won’t get proper amount of oxygen, it prone to various diseases. You will attain a blissful state by the practice of pranayama. This will definitely help you to heal cancer.

Meditation for Cancer disease

Along with asana (physical postures) and pranayama, meditation should also be integrated in the practice. It is found that meditation is the best medication in the world. Meditation is the ultimate method to transform one’s mind. When the mind is changed, diseases are also cured. For cancer patients, meditation is very helpful for early healing. You don’t have to panic if you are suffering from cancer. Simply turn your life into yoga with faith and devotion, you will get a new life which ii healthy, sound, harmonious and happy.

When your body is in perfect condition, your mindfulness also increases. Your awareness level raises up. This is what meditation requires. To heal your cancer diseases you can do different types of diseases. However, you should understand that making a goal to heal diseases by meditation is same as trying to kill a mosquito by a powerful atom bomb which can destroy entire world.  I mean meditation is done for higher purpose not for healing diseases.

Yet, you diseases are healed as a byproduct. Though people do yoga for cancer, real purpose of yoga is self-discovery. Thus, forget about your cancer or other diseases and do meditation for attaining higher level of the beings, supreme level of the existence. In the beginning, meditation may be challenging for you but gradually you will start enjoying meditation. It becomes a part of your life.

Do you know How to Heal Cancer with Yoga- Yoga For Cancer

Nowadays many people are suffering from cancer. It can be completely cured with yoga. So deepen into yoga for cancer healing. Patient should completely change his/her lifestyle in order to heal. Each of the eight limbs of yoga is equally important for healing diseases. Here, we are going to discuss three limbs of yoga- Asana (third limb of yoga), pranayama (fourth limb of yoga) and meditation (seventh limb of yoga).

Asana Practice for Cancer

Asana, physical posture of yoga, is defined as stable, comfortable and delight state of body. It is the body posture adopted in performing physical activity of yoga. An asana can be performed in standing, sitting, lying and inverted position. There is no specific yoga for cancer i.e. not specific asana to heal cancer. However, every single asana does some common functions i.e. enhancing immunity power, releasing disease, keeping your body fit and fine.

 Asana vitalizes your body which makes you able to fight against cancer disease. You can do asana practice for about one hour every day. Twelve rounds of conscious “Sun salutation” along with proper breathing and mantra chanting is very helpful. After that you can select some asana for practice. Remember that you should be mindful during the practice. Regular practicing of yoga for cancer in this way will give you a good health.

 If you can make your practice 1 hour daily, you can easily get victory over cancer. Some of the common yoga for cancer i.e. asanas you can do are- Tadasana, Vrishasana, Trikonasana, Paschimottanasana, Virabhadarasana, Kati-chakrasana, Bhunhasana, Janu-sirshasana, Purvottanasana, Ardha-chandrasana, Matsyandrasana, Marichayasana, etc. If you have cancer, better to avoid inverted asanas. It is good to get guidance from a yoga and Ayurveda expert.

Asana brings awareness in the body. It helps to make your body cells more conscious and active while cancer decreases the alertness or consciousness. Thus, asana is just reverse form of diseases. In the language of yoga, disease is nothing only unwanted things in the body. When you do an asana and connect your mind to the body a harmonious unification between body and mind happens. During this process unwanted things in the body are removed. So diseases including cancer will remove from the root level. A perfect harmony between body and mind is the key to health.

Pranayama for Cancer

Another important aspect of yoga is Pranayama. In Pranayama, we expanse pranic (vital) energy in the body. The techniques applied here is regulating, controlling and mastering the breath as well as witnessing breath. When you are stabilized in an asana, effectiveness of Pranayama increases. There are many experiments that cancer is healed by pranayama. You can get proper amount of oxygen by pranayama which purifies your blood and body through cellular level. Cancer cannot remain in the body when it is purified. Thus, doing yoga for cancer is an ideal way.

Pranayama improves the functions of inner organs which helps you to invigorate your body. Different types of blockage in the nerves and in other inner organs of the body is removed with pranayama practice. This makes your energy level higher, makes you to feel lightness in body, gives good feelings, improves quality of sleep, and so on. The most important diet for brain is oxygen, which you can get with pranayama. If you cannot receive proper amount of oxygen, stress, anxiety, and many other psychosomatic diseases are created.

When this requirement is fulfilled by pranayama, stress level decreases, concentration increases, mind becomes calm and placid, positive and divine thoughts come in mind. Eventually, it prepares you for meditation. When you maintain this condition with regular pranayama, you can heal your cancer easily. Not only is yoga for cancer, but there remains no chance of any diseases in the body. It takes you back to perfect health.

Biology mentions that human has used only 40% of the lungs capacity. Sixty percent of its capacity is still unused. That is why you won’t receive proper amount of oxygen. When there is not sufficient amount of oxygen in the body, impurities start accumulating in the body. Eventually, these impurities appear in the form of various diseases including cancer.

When you do some pranayama, you will receive plenty amount of oxygen. Though you do yoga for cancer, it will work for all types of problem in the body. This recharges and revitalizes your body and mind. Psychology insists almost all types of diseases are created by mind. Whenever your mind is negative, your will decrease your immunity power which causes diseases. There are many types of pranayama like Kapalbhati, Bhastrika, Nadi-sodhan, Ujjyai, Bhramari, Surya Bhedi, Chandra bhedi, Kaki, Sheetali, Sheetakari, yogic breath, etc.

If you are really doing yoga for cancer, I suggest half an hour pranayama every day. However you need a guidance of an expert yoga teacher. Within three months you will see a great change. Pranayama keeps your mind peaceful and positive. If your body won’t get proper amount of oxygen, it prone to various diseases. You will attain a blissful state by the practice of pranayama. This will definitely help you to heal cancer.

Meditation for Cancer disease

Along with asana (physical postures) and pranayama, meditation should also be integrated in the practice. It is found that meditation is the best medication in the world. Meditation is the ultimate method to transform one’s mind. When the mind is changed, diseases are also cured. For cancer patients, meditation is very helpful for early healing. You don’t have to panic if you are suffering from cancer. Simply turn your life into yoga with faith and devotion, you will get a new life which ii healthy, sound, harmonious and happy.

When your body is in perfect condition, your mindfulness also increases. Your awareness level raises up. This is what meditation requires. To heal your cancer diseases you can do different types of diseases. However, you should understand that making a goal to heal diseases by meditation is same as trying to kill a mosquito by a powerful atom bomb which can destroy entire world. 

I mean meditation is done for higher purpose not for healing diseases. Yet, you diseases are healed as a byproduct. Though people do yoga for cancer, real purpose of yoga is self-discovery. Thus, forget about your cancer or other diseases and do meditation for attaining higher level of the beings, supreme level of the existence. In the beginning, meditation may be challenging for you but gradually you will start enjoying meditation. It becomes a part of your life.