by Yoga In Nepal | Oct 26, 2021 | Uncategorized
Mantra yoga in Nepal
Mantra yoga is a type of yoga that uses verbal mantras to awaken the Self and deepen the meditative aspects. This yoga is based on the science to engage our mind focusing on sound, duration, and number of repetitions. This yoga is also known as Japa yoga which is a Sanskrit word for the act of repeating mantras. Here, repetitions of mantras help us to get closer to divinity and creates positive vibrations for both the mantra reader and listener maintaining a peaceful environment around them.
Mantra yoga benefits us by neutralizing our rajas (agitation) and tamas (inertia) which in turn will help us by moving our soul into a pure state of consciousness. Buddhists and Jain’s have embraced the mantra yoga in their religion to reach enlightenment.
In general, mantra yoga can be practiced in 3 ways: Bukhari, upanshu and manasic. Bukhari is a type of yoga where the mantra is chanted in a louder voice which helps to remove unwanted thoughts playing in our mind and makes the meditation process easier and successful. The next yoga, upanshu is all about chanting in a very low voice to maintain a peaceful environment. The third and last mantra yoga, manasic yoga is chanting the mantra silently to one’s self. Malas ( beads ) can be used as a prop for this method.
The mantras for mantra yoga were composed in Vedic Sanskrit in India, and are at least 3500 years old. They come in various forms like numbers, mathematically structured meters, and so on. Taking about mantra yoga in Nepal, Nepal has always been the best place to learn and practice yoga. Nepal serves various packages to attract people for the mission ‘mantra yoga in Nepal ‘. Practicing yoga in the lap of the Himalayas is always a big dream for yoga lovers and Nepal is the best place for that.
Nepal has the finest mantra yoga teachers with the most alluring location and highly effective method of teaching. The teachers here are very experienced and dedicated. Mantra yoga in Nepal is the best and life-changing experience to be part of.
There are many yoga schools in Nepal where they offer mantra yoga. You can simply type your requirements in Google and it will show you the best yoga training center where you can choose according to your wish. Chautari yoga studio ( one situated in the beautiful hills of the Himalayas), ekam yoga shala, mantra yoga, and meditation school are some of the most renowned places for mantra yoga.
Nepal is known for its serenity and tranquility. Buddhists have made this place the ideal destination to attain enlightenment. Mantra yoga in Nepal is surely a cheery on the cake as you can both enjoy the world’s best yoga lessons and the natural environment around you. The courses of Nepal are designed for any kind of practitioner. Under the proper guidance of your teacher, you learn meditation technique and natural breath to concentrate and stay focused on something.
The meditation teachers here are very interactive and well-mannered whose training will provide you a lifetime of enlightenment.
Nepal in recent time, is brimming with meditation as well as yoga courses and institutions. Mantra yoga in Nepal is surely not a newly introduced topic but mantra yoga in Nepal has recently gained popularity. While you complete your yoga training, you will be handed a world first-class yoga certificate which will surely help you to work ahead in this field also.
by Yoga In Nepal | Sep 20, 2021 | Uncategorized
The message of Buddha to manknd
Lord Buddha was born in the ancient kingdom of Nepal. He was born as a prince Siddhartha Gautam to King Suddhodhan and Queen Maya Devi. Prince Siddhartha was very bright from his younger days. The people of Kapilvastu (Kingdom of Suddhodhan), and the king were happy that the kingdom will be more prosperous, and people will be happier when prince Siddhartha will be the king. But destiny had another plan in its path. The lavish life of Siddhartha in his palace was not enough for him, he was not satisfied, he wanted more to know about life.
He left the palace to pursue the path of enlightenment. Buddha was born when Prince Siddhartha found his path in life. He is now the symbol of peace and nonviolence. Buddha is no more but his teachings remain and will forever remain. The message of Buddha is what guides many people in their lives today. They follow the message of Buddha to move in the path of enlightenment. Here are 20 message given by buddha to mankind:
1. Peace for Internal and External flourishment
Peace was the greatest message of Buddha. Buddha due to this is also considered as the symbol of peace. Peace was considered the greatest by Buddha. Both internal peace and external peace are required for flourishment.
Buddha left his palace to find his inner peace. When his inner peace was found inside him then with its power, he was able to give the message of peace to the world. Both inner peace and external peace are required to maintain peace. When every individual attains their inner peace, the peace to society and the world is inevitable.
2. Non-Violence
It is another great massage of Buddha. Buddha was always non-violence in nature even before becoming buddha in his early life. He always walked on the path of non-violence and taught his followers to do so. The non-violence message of Buddha says that the goal that is achieved through violence is not worth it. There is always a way to achieve the goal through the path of non-violence.
3. Love everyone
Buddha loved each and everything in the world. Good or bad, rich, or poor, he loved everyone the same. All were equal in his eyes, and he loved them. Loving everyone was one of the greatest massages of Buddha. If we were to love everyone like they were all our own, we can take civilization in a new direction. Buddha even loved the violent and carnivorous animals like they were their children. Such was the love of Buddha to the world and loving everyone was the message of Buddha to his followers and the world.
4. Follow the path of Dharma
Dharma is the duty of everyone to the world. Everyone has their Dharma for the world. If an act is selfless, beneficial to the world and society, helps the people in need then it is the act of Dharma. Contrary to dharma is the act of Adharma, selfish acts, disturbing the life of others, harming other and such activities all fall under the category of adharma. Always remaining in the path of Dharma was the message of Buddha to the world and his followers.
5. Your thoughts make you
Our thoughts are the things that define us. How we think and what we think determines our worth to the world. The message of Buddha regarding thoughts to the world was that thing pure and noble thoughts. One who thinks of noble goals and moves to pursue them will achieve wonderful things in life. Similarly, one who keeps their thought impure and lowly will achieve nothing and only negative things.
6. Do the right thing
In the life of people, even the ordinary ones come many points where one must choose between right and wrong. Doing the right thing always the message of Buddha. Sometimes the cost of doing the right thing may be high. While sometimes, the negative people or temptations may force you to take the wrong path and do the wrong things. Despite this, this one must do the right thing whatever the cost may be. The right path is sometimes difficult to walk and many who started with you may leave you, but you should not be afraid and keep moving.
7. Control your heart
Our heart is very playful and tilts to many things. However, a strong will and mind can bind the heart in one location. The heart tries to tilt to many things that are neither right nor beneficial to us. To always keep your heart steady was the message of buddha. He taught his followers to always understand what their goal was, what their mind wants, what they want to achieve? The road to the goal may be filled with many options, the heart may want to go towards them. However, the heart must be kept steady with the use of strong will and an unchanging mindset.
8. Discipline is the key
Buddha was very disciplined in his life. He made a rule for himself, set a certain path for himself, and always walked the path whatever the condition was. The message of Buddha for achieving the goal is always to be discipline. Whatever may be the goal either to achieve peace or even get successful in the material world one must always be disciplined. One who disciplines himself and moves the correct path will achieve anything he wishes in the world.
9. Give as much as you can
The world has enough resources for all of us. However, the world is divided into two fragments. One has too much than they need while one has too little. If everyone only kept how much they need only and give the rest of them to the needy. The world can be a happy peace. The way of giving is the massage of Buddha to his followers and the entire world.
10. Conquer the desire
According to Buddha raga or desire is one of the forces that distracts from our path and makes us helpless. Desire according to Buddha comes in all forms. Some are limited to the body while some are related to the materials while some are related to the thought also. Controlling desire or conquering raga is the message of Buddha. One who has conquered raga can see the world as properly as it is. Those blinded by desire always remain in the illusion and fight over each over petty little thing. While those who go beyond that can sprout their wings to attain peace.
11. Get victorious over Rage
Rage, anger, hatred whatever one may call it they are extremely negative emotions. Some may see them as the source of power and their friends. However, it drains the happiness out of them and clouds their ability to judge the situation properly. Anger and rage are the sources of various conflicts and disagreements which leads to violence. The message of Buddha to his followers and the world is to conquer their anger and hatred and spread peace in the world.
12. See-through the illusion
Illusion is sometimes called Moha. Moha comes in all shapes and sizes. Moha acts in a very subtle way even those who have conquered rage and desire become the victim of Moha. It takes great power and capacity to conquer Moha and go beyond that. The physical eye sees in the physical world while the eye of wisdom and moksha see the Moha and helps one go beyond it. The message of Buddha and his teachings helps us to see through illusions and Moha.
13. Every man is his own Saviour
We often think our Saviour is someone other than us, who has some extraordinary ability or the god himself. However, according to the message of Buddha every man is his own Saviour. It is only he who can help as well as save himself. Only he could walk himself in the path of rightness, only he can enlighten himself. He is the only one who can make himself see beyond the illusions and walk to the path of true peace.
14. Happiness comes from within
Happiness is a unique thing; all want it but only a few get it. Even the most wealthy, beautiful, and talented people are sometimes not able to be happy. Yes, at first happiness seems materialistic, however, after some time they realize it is not that. According to Lord Buddha happiness is not what is found outside but is the thing that is inside only to be found. The first key is the acceptance of yourself, no matter what condition you are in and what you are. Then you can take your first step towards happiness.
To get real happiness, one can do the Vipassana meditation which is given by buddha. It is very scientific and it flourish the happiness within you and helps to know who are you.
15. Overthinking is the biggest cause of unhappiness
Overthinking is the cause of unhappiness was the message of Buddha to his followers and the entire world. Overthinking creates problems that were not there in the first place. When we overthink, we look at a thing from many points, and while doing that we also compare ourselves with others, with other’s achievements, and so on. When we compare ourselves with other-selves we already move towards the path of unhappiness.
16. Karma
Karma is a broad field. Karma is our action, and our actions always need to be right and noble. Everybody has their karma in this world. The karma of the farmer is to do agriculture, the karma of the king is ruling the kingdom rightfully and protect it at all costs ensuring the wellbeing of the people living in it. The message of Buddha to the world regarding Karma is that everyone should follow their Karma with great enthusiasm and with the motive of doing good to others.
17. The root of suffering is an attachment
In this life, we all are attached to someone or something. Our attachment defines us, it gives a clear picture of how we think, how are our thoughts, and so on. Yes, attachment is needed to run the world. Our attachment gives us a sense of duty, responsibility and moves us forward in our lives. However, when this attachment crosses a certain boundary is becomes the source of suffering and unhappiness. Be it material, people or anything else attachment to a high degree is harmful. The message of Buddha says to be away from such attachment.
18. Life is suffering
Life is suffering is the message of Buddha. It means that like happiness, joy is the part of life so is suffering. Suffering is inevitable in life. Everyone in this life from king to ordinary men tastes the dish of suffering. No one can avoid it, no one can run from it.
The only thing that matters is how one can handle suffering. Some get broken by it, some fall into the deep abyss of their consciousness while some get over and conquer it. Those who recognize it as part of life and accept it are the ones who are going to conquer suffering in life. Many things determine suffering in life and may arrive in many forms but how we hand is in our hands.
19. Health is the greatest gift
Many consider their wealth, knowledge, or even their children to be their greatest gift in life. However, the message of Buddha to us says that before all achievement comes health, and health is the greatest gift given to us.
If one’s health is bad and is capable to even stand on his own what good all his wealth and luxury do to him. What good is all the knowledge in the world when one’s whole-body aches with the slight moment of his fingers? Therefore, health is the greatest gift to us, and we should cherish it. Health is considered a wonderful thing in the message of Buddha.
20. One can only purify oneself
Here we are not talking about other purity but are talking about the purity of thought, heart, and mind. The message of buddha regarding purity says that we should make our thoughts pure and noble. When we move on the purity after some time good thoughts and noble acts become our habits. Also, we have the power ourselves and the only ones to have that power. Nobody can walk in our place neither they can purify us. Yes, they may show us the way, but we are the only ones who can walk the path.
by Yoga In Nepal | May 18, 2021 | Uncategorized
Yoga for self-realization
The set of poses, postures, breathing patterns, meditations used to attain a specific goal either be healing or liberating is called yoga. If you ask different yoga practicing people what is yoga to you? Certainly, you will have various answers.
Yoga techniques were developed thousands of years ago. From the period of creation yoga with its diverse methods and techniques had been used for various purposes. As time passed people started modifying and creating own unique forms and methods. With this formulation the scope of yoga was further widened.
Mostly when people picture about yoga, they visualize a physical treatment for physical problems. Yes, physical body is also a part of yoga. However, yoga not only is for physical body but is for your mental and spiritual part.
Yoga for self-realization is one of the widely used applications of yoga. It is hard to believe but there are various yoga techniques that are used for self-realization. The techniques will boost your confidence, let you peek into your consciousness and much more.
Yoga for self-realization has three steps. They are:
Gyan marga
Gyaan in Sanskrit means knowledge. First step of yoga for self-realization is through knowledge and self-awareness. One cannot achieve self-realization without amassing massive knowledge. The Gyan marga is the step where one questions everything and tries to find the answers. Who I am? What am I doing here? What is my purpose here? What is this world? Are some of the questions asked by the one who walks on the Gyan path? The one who walks gyan marga knows what is real and what is illusion in this world. These are the questions asked by the individual to himself who is having yoga for self-realization.
Karma Yoga
Karma means action in Sanskrit. The second step of yoga for self-realization is through action and work. After gaining knowledge one must be inclined towards work and action. One who is in Karma path in Yoga for self-realization must take their selflessly. Their action should be righteous and should be according to dharma. They must focus on their work or karma without the fear or greed of outcome.
Bhakti yoga
Bhakti means devotion in Sanskrit. The third step of yoga for self-realization is through devotion. The actual meaning of bhakti yoga is devotion to a god or deity. However, if you are an atheist and have a problem with devoting yourself to god. If that is the case you can devote yourself to your belief, work or even to your parents. The main motive of bhakti is acknowledging something or someone to have higher authority than oneself. Its main motive is to control oneself is they themself are going out of their desired tracks.
The path of yoga for self-realization is also aided by some yoga postures. Some of them are:
Warrior I pose
In warrior I pose the legs are wide spread and strongly steadied in the place. Then the hand is stretched in namaste pose above the head. Then the head is tilted in the upward position looking the sky. The powerful base encourages strong determination and boosts confidence.
Dhyan asana
It is the meditation pose. In this pose you sit on a flat and comfortable surface crossing your legs. Then stretching your hand to the same side of lap and letting it relax there. Then all you need to do is relax or chant mantras like “Om.” This pose provides relax to mind and soul. It helps to see the surrounding in a more straightforward way. Everyone who is aiming yoga for self-realization practices Dhyan asana.
Headstand pose
To perform the head stand/ sirsasana pose one need to be in noticeably clear and active through both mind and body. This pose is done by inverting your body I.e., head to the ground and legs in the air. The head is grasped by both palms and both elbow acts as the support to the head.
This pose is known to boost your thinking capacity. If you are thinking yoga for self-realization headstand pose is for you.
by Yoga In Nepal | Apr 30, 2021 | Uncategorized
Lord Ram, Hanuman and Ravana-Triangular relationship
Lord ram, hanuman and Ravana are the characters of the Hindu epic tale Ramayana. Ramayana is the story of god Ram, his hardship in life, his way of life and the victory of good over the evil.
Ramayana describes story of lord ram from his birth, battles, victories, and his reign. Besides god Ram Ramayana tells story of other characters like Hanuman, Luv, and Kush, Sugreev, Bivishan, Ravan etc.
Lord Ram
Lord Ram is the main protagonist of Ramayana. Ram is said to be seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu. He was born to king Dashrath and queen Kaushalya of Ayodhya. King Dashrath had four sons with three queens with Ram being the eldest. Bharat, Laxman and Shatrughan were the name of three brothers of Lord ram. God Ram married Sita, daughter of king Janak. His life was a life of a happy prince until he was exiled from his kingdom. Then the hardship of his life begun, which is written as Ramayana.
Hanuman- Rudra Avatar
Hanuman is said to be the 11th Rudra avatar of lord shiva. He is the son of Anjani and Kesari. Lord hanuman is the greatest Bhakt of Ram. Without lord hanuman God Ram’s battles would have been very hard.
Hanuman possessed various mysterious powers and was the owner of eight siddhis. With siddhis lord hanuman could fly, increase his size in celestial level and even reduce to the atomic level .Lord Hanuman killed many demons and performed the duty assigned by god Ram to him.
Ravan Kinga of Lanka
Ravan was the main antagonist of Ramayana. He abducted the wife Lord Ram which led to the battle between Ram and Ravan. Ravana was the ruler of Lanka and ruled over Rakshasa. He is the greatest devotee of Lord shiva and one of the strongest Rakshasa who ever lived. Ravan was undefeated even by the gods until lord Rama came. Ravans original name was Dashanna. Ravana was the name given to him by lord Shiva. Ravan had two brothers and one sister. He was the son of sage Vishrava and Kaikesi.
Lord Ram, Hanuman and Ravan are the major characters of the story. Their life journey, teachings and adventures are what makes Ramayana the epic.
Looking the epic more closely, they have triangular relationship with each other. The first thing is that whatever it maybe they complete each other, without one other they will not be what they are. Without such an antagonist, Lord Ram would not be the protagonist and the symbol of hope and courage that he is. Without Lord Hanumans and help of Vanars Lord Rama would have never found mother Sita in Lanka.
Taking aside the side of good and evil, and looking personally the characters. All of them are once in a universe individuals. Like lord Ram Ravan is also Bhakt of lord shiva and hanuman is Rudra avatar of Lord shiva. Many people may think Ravana as the scary demon who knows nothing but violence.
However, before all that power got into his head Ravana was the most perfect being there. He was considered the greatest genius to be there, known all the Vedas and was given the name Ravana by lord Shiva due to his impeccable music knowledge. Ravana had 10 heads and each head was knowledgeable enough to be one of the seven celestial sages.
They share triangular relationship with each other, one’s journey is incomplete without other, the evilness of Ravana is balanced by the Goodness of Lord ram. They acknowledged one other’s ability and strength. Their characters strives and achievements and tied so close and balances each other that it forms a triangle, different opposite but complete each other in some sort of way.
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by Yoga In Nepal | Feb 17, 2021 | Uncategorized
Fasting in yoga
The process of prohibiting food for a certain prefixed period is called fasting. Fasting is also done for religious purpose in Hindu, Christian, Buddhist, Islam etc. Apart from religious purpose, fasting in yoga is done for health benefits.
Following are the benefits of fasting in yoga:
- Weight control
Fasting once a week has found to have profound effect in body weight. When we fast, we prevent any energy source from entering in our body. Thus, the body is forced to use stored fat resulting in weight loss.
- Body cleansing
When we fast, the body does not have to focus on digestion. Thus, the body focuses on undissolved nutrients, dead cell, toxins etc.
- Mental relief
When we are not focusing on eating and our body not focusing on digestion. We can think and give focus to other things in life.
- Could delay ageing
Some scientific facts and research back the fact that Practice of fasting in yoga delays ageing. It is the reasons yogic gurus and sadhus in the ancient time had maintained their youth state for extended period.
- Efficient metabolism
Fasting gives rest to the digestive system, thus recharging it to perform better and more efficient.
- Better mood
Fasting can also have a good impact from your mood. To be away from exacting diet plans can have a positive impact in your diet.
Fasting in yoga is a good method to change your body in a positive way however fasting is not for all people. If your body is healthy and escaping a meal for a day is not any how big deal to you then fasting is for you. However, if you are weak and cannot afford to escape diet then fasting can have negative impacts in your body.
Following are the people who should not fast:
- Dangerous heart, kidney, liver diseases
- Pregnant woman
- Very old peoples
- People with highly unbalanced pressure
- Noticeably young children
Is it better to do fasting in full moon time?
Yes, Normally it is said that fasting in yoga tradition is better on full moon day since on the full moon day or new days of moon/ Amavasya, it reduces the It is ideal to fast or take light food on full moon and new moon days, to reduce the acedic content in our body which slows down our metabolic rate due to which it increases the endurance. It Brings our body in a calm state and keeps it relax. practicing fasting in yoga prevent you from gastritis/gastric problem.
Water Fasting and its benefits
Water fasting means, you drink only water throughout the day and no any fruits and other foods. The research on water fasting shows that it has several health benefits like it lower down the certain cancers, diabetes and heart diseases. However, practicing the water fasting for long time without preparation may be harmful. One day is normally fine, but if you want to extend for more days, you need to do the yoga practice and fasting together. But be sure that before doing that take some advice from your yoga instructor or someone who already did long water fasting.
is intermittent fasting, good?
In intermittent fasting, where we eat during a specific time of day like 16 hours fasting and 8 hours of eating. It is very good fasting practice for healthy life. This type of fasting is very popular nowadays. If you can’t do whole day fasting or water fasting, you can balance your dite through intermittent fasting. Mostly it is done for good health and to reduce the obesity.
In practice of fasting in yoga science there are several types of fasting like entire day fasting with water, one meal fasting, meal without heavy protein etc. So, before attempting to fast one should carefully think which one, they should be doing. However, if you have decided to take fasting just recently you should not straight take entire day fasting with just water. It might not be beneficial to body as much as hoped. One can start fasting with meal without heavy protein or carbohydrate or one meal fasting.
by Yoga In Nepal | Dec 18, 2020 | Uncategorized
List of 15 Most Popular Ayurveda Therapy
Among many Ayurveda therapy, Panchakarma is set of 5 process. Panchakarma is a group of five actions of detoxification and rejuvenation as indicated in Ayurveda. It cleans the body tissue by cleansing toxins, restore the balance of tridoshas, opens the subtle channels thus promotes longevity and well-being. In addition to this, it promotes change in diet and lifestyle pattern according to the Prakriti (Biological nature).
Ayurveda recommends Panchakarma for maintaining mental and physical balance. Panchakarma is a delightful and comfortable Ayurveda therapy. Panchakarma purifies the tissues at a very deep level. There can be periods of discomfort associated with the profound release of toxins, which does occur. It is therefore essential that a knowledgeable expert who can recognize the signs of properly and improperly administered Panchakarma, supervise the therapy.
1. Vamana( Therapeutic Emesis) Major Ayurveda Therapy under Panchakarma
Vamana is the major procedure in Panchakarma and is the best treatment for vitiated Kapha Dosha and disease caused by the predominant of Kapha. It eliminates toxins from oral route.
2. Virechana (Therapeutic Purgation)
Virechana is ideal and best Ayurveda Therapy for the elimination of vitiated Pitta Dosha and other two doshas also. It is less tedious procedure than Vamana and has less possibility of complications and can be done easily. So, widely practiced cleansing therapy in routine practice.
3. Basti (Therapeutic Enema)
Basti is considered as a prime Ayurveda Therapy modality among the Panchakarma. It has not only curative aspect but also prevents and promotes good health. It is considered as chief treatment regimen for various diseases in Ayurveda.
It is divided on the basis according to fixed schedule as:
4. Nasya (Nasal application)
It is the procedure of removing toxins from head region by application of medicated oil or medicine from nasal route.
5. Raktamokshana (Bloodletting therapy)
It is one of the cleansing procedures used in the management of disorders due to the vitiation of the Rakta (blood).
6. Sirodhara an amazing Ayurveda Therapy
It is also known as Shiro-seka. Pouring of any medicated liquids which is luke warm as ghee, milk, butter milk etc. over forehead in a continuous stream from specific height for a specific period.
7. Siro Basti
It is the procedure where medicated oil is kept over the head by using a leather bag for a specific period.
8. Kati Basti
It is the type of bahya snehana where the medicated oil, ghee etc. are made to collect over low back.
9. Greeva Basti
Medicated oil collected over neck, helps to work on the local muscles.
10. Janu Basti
Medicated oil accumulated above knee. This Ayurveda Therapy is specialized to relieve the knee pain.
11. Kaya seka
The procedure by which luke warm medicated oil is made to pour on whole body of patient in a specific manner for certain period of time.
12. Shashtika Shali Pinda Sveda
The procedure of massaging the patient with the bolus of cooked rice harvested in 60 days. It is very effective in weakness of body parts.
13. Sarira Abhyanga (Whole Body Message)
Abhyanga is the ayurvedic practice of self-massage that can offer you a moment of pause to honor self. A daily Abhyanga practice can reassure your sense of strength, restore balance, and reinforce your overall well-being.
14. Akshi tarpana an Ayurveda Therapy
The unique procedure of appilication of the sneha (oil and ghee) to the eyes is Akshi tarpana. Akshi Tarpana is an efficient ayurvedic treatment for eye care. It is the Ayurvedic purification and rejuvenation treatment for eyes provided especially as part of Panchakarma treatment in Ayurvedic care facilities.
15. Karna Purana
Ayurveda therapy Karna Purana is a procedure of instilling medicated oils into the ears followed by a gentle massage for a couple of minutes. Oil is absorbed through mucous membrane of auditory canal. It improves hearing, prevents ear diseases, relieves ear pain and provides strength to ear bones and surrounding structures. This treatment also benefits to handle ear infection and provide relief to hearing loss, ear infection, blockage, migraines, anxiety, depression, nervous weakness, etc.