Shiva-yoga Meditation

Shiva-yoga meditation is a devotional meditation to Shiva. Shiva introduced yoga in this earth planet at the first time ever and he was the first guru of yoga. It is considered that he lives in the Himalayan region in Nepal. He created 8 million and 40 thousand yoga posters. Shiva-yoga meditation is a form of mantra chanting. We try to dissolve in the mantra and we forget everything of the worldly existence. We can get a blessing if we can totally sink in the mantra during meditation. Shiva is considered as a powerful deity in Hindu philosophy. He has many names and there are many mantras to worship him.

To understand Shiva-yoga meditation, we have to know about Shiva first. Shiva is a part of the Trinity in Hindu philosophy. He is the god of the destroyer of evil and transforming life. To worship this kind of powerful deity, we perform Shiva-yoga meditation. Shiva-yoga meditation is suitable for those who can devote to some higher energy than them. Mantra has a powerful energy and mantra can bring us to the very higher level of meditation. If we can surrender ourselves to Shiva, we can achieve a higher level of experience in the meditation.

The most powerful mantra of Shiva is Mahamrityunjaya mantra which is said to be the great mantra of longevity and immortality. When we can get perfection in this mantra, we don’t fear the death. By this mantra, we can able to accept our life as it is and even we can accept our death. This mantra protects us from every danger of our life. This mantra can be the protection of our life. It is also the mantra for healing physical and mental diseases.

As you know, meditation is the medium of transforming our life. It can balance our every aspect of life. Shiva-yoga meditation can lead us to the state of healthy and happy life. This meditation can eliminate all our stresses and heals our physical diseases. This meditation can be the life-changing weapon of our life. We have to learn this meditation from a very experienced and higher level yoga teacher.

‘Aum Namah Shivaya’ is a very common and easy mantra for Shiva-yoga meditation. The meaning of this mantra is I salute Shiva. Aum is a very powerful mantra which can provide universal energy in our body. Aum is the sound of the divine and mystical world. It can create the energy field and protect us from the evil.

Anyway, Shiva-yoga meditation is a powerful meditation among different types. First, we can start this meditation by counting the mantra. When we become habitual in counting mantra, we can start to cite mantra inside the heart. By doing this, we can reach in the state where we become mantra itself. We don’t have to cite mantra, mantra itself is cited. We can get bliss in this state. We get ecstasy, heavenly pleasure.

We have to go step by step in Shiva-yoga meditation. We should not hurry up. We can bring the image of Shiva on our third eye in this meditation. A strong image of Shiva can help us to go into a deeper level. Shiva-yoga meditation is a part of bhakti yoga meditation where devotees forget themselves for the sake of devotion. They really want to forget their identity to make their new identity with Shiva. Their only goal becomes to achieve the grace of Shiva.

At the first level of the meditation, most of the people seek worldly achievement. It is very easy to achieve materialistic abundance in our life by becoming a devotee of Shiva.  The beauty of Shiva-yoga meditation is that it can provide us with the real taste of meditation. This meditation can inspire us to the path of purification.

In Sanskrit language, Shiva is called ‘Asutosh’ which means being happy soon. He can be happy soon by our worship, by our meditation. The real meditation is the absence of any thought in our mind but it is not easy to empty our mind. The mantra is the medium to make empty our mind. When we cite the mantra, there will come the time when our mind becomes united with the mantra. There will be the only mantra. The frequency of mantra creates an energy field. The energy field connects us with the divine energy.

The ultimate goal of Shiva-yoga meditation is to transform our life, to be enlightened, to be purified. But many people have a misconception about Shiva-yoga meditation. They don’t understand the real aspect of meditation. They do meditation with the knowledge which has been the right direction. This kind of knowledge cannot lead us to the truth. We have to learn Shiva-yoga meditation with a perfect professional yoga master.

Shiva is the synonym of meditation because we find most of his pictures in the meditative mood. This meditation can open our third eye and we can master our mind. This meditation helps you to be free from your stressful life. In the deep meditation, we can experience the light, illumination. The light covers our body and gives us extreme pleasure.

Some benefits of Shiva-yoga meditation are as follows:

  1. It gives you the mental peace and relaxation.
  2. It helps to keep your body healthy and it increases the stamina and metabolism of your body.
  3. This meditation helps you to control your thoughts.
  4. This meditation becomes helpful to eliminate the fear from your mind.
  5. This meditation can be helpful to lose your weight and maintain the body weight.
  6. This meditation helps you to find your real purpose in life.
  7. This meditation increases the power of forgiveness. It increases the kindness within you.
  8. This meditation increases your memory power and boosts your intuition power.
  9. This meditation strengthens your immune power and helps you to be healthy most of the time.
  10. This meditation helps you to be stable in your life. Your restlessness behaviour can be wiped out.
  11. This meditation helps you to find the real self.
Chakra meditation

Chakra meditation

Chakra meditation is a powerful meditation which can activate seven energy centres of our body and gives us unlimited benefits in our life. Chakra meditation is the real medium to purify our 7 chakras and enables us to be free from the diseases. Our 7 chakras are related to the different parts of our body. The body parts which are related to our 7 chakras can be healed by purifying those specific chakras.

We can have the question what chakra is then. Chakras are the main centres of our body which plays the role to absorb the energy in our body from the universe. Chakras are called glands in medical science. Those chakras can absorb the positive energy from the universe if we can purify them. When chakras are pure, the positive energy can enter our body by the path of chakras.

Everyone wants to open their chakras to gain happiness, healthy life and prosperity. The most effective medium to make our chakras pure is meditation. Before to know about the chakra meditation, we must know about 7 chakras.

The names of 7 chakras are:

  1. Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra)
  2. Sacral Chakra (Swadhishthan Chakra)
  3. Solar plexus chakra (Manipur Chakra)
  4. Heart chakra (Anahat Chakra)
  5. Throat chakra (Bisuddi Chakra)
  6. Third eye chakra (Ajna Chakra)
  7. Crown chakra (Sahasrara Chakra)

Those each chakra has their own colour and mantras to open them. They have their deities. If we can open all chakras, we can become healthy, happy and joyful in our life. To gain overall satisfaction in our life our all 7 chakras should be opened.

Chakra meditation is done to open the chakras of our body. Our body is controlled by the 7 energy centres. The centres should absorb the positive energy to our body from the universe. If they absorb the negative energy, we must purify them. Yoga, pranayama and meditation are the best media to make them positive. Among them, meditation is the best medium to open our all 7 chakras. Meditation is the tool by which we can get the chance to have an energetic life. We can get the real pleasure in our life by opening the energy centres of our body. We also achieve higher spiritual experience by opening them.

Chakra meditation can be done in different ways. We can do by feeling the sensation on our chakras, by citing their related mantras. We must go into deep level first and start to concentrate in the centres of our chakras. By purifying our centre points, we can achieve our real pleasure which is the most beautiful part of our life. We can imagine the colour of every chakra when we sit in our chakra meditation.

One of the chakra meditation technique is presented here to give you the example:

  1. Sit or lie in a comfortable position. Take some deep breath and relax.
  2. Feel your body becoming lighter and lighter.
  3. Concentration in your root chakra. Feel that the red colour is flowing on your root chakra. Feel the sensation there and relax.
  4. Cite the mantra Lam inside and imagine that the energy is flowing towards your spinal cord.
  5. Concentrate on your second chakra, Sacral Chakra (Swadhishthan Chakra) and feel the energy there.
  6. Imagine that the orange colour is covering your Sacral Chakra. At last, cite the mantra Wam inside and feel that the energy goes towards up to your head.
  7. Now, concentrate on your Solar plexus chakra (Manipur Chakra) and feel the energy of the universe is absorbed by the chakra.
  8. Imagine that your Solar plexus chakra is covering the yellow colour.
  9. Cite the mantra Ram inside and feel the energy into your Solar plexus chakra. The power of mantra is transforming the energy towards your spinal cord.
  10. Now the turn is of your fourth energy centre heart chakra. Concentrate on your heart centre and feel the energy of the universe entering your heart and all the love of the universe is covering your body. Imagine that the unconditional love of the higher source is protecting you.
  11. Imagine that the green colour is covering your heart area. The colour gives you the positive energy.
  12. Cite the mantra Yam and feel that your body is being irrigated by the energy of the higher source.
  13. Concentrate on your throat chakra and imagine that the chakra is covered by the supreme source of the universe. The throat chakra is the centre of communication and personal truth of a human being.
  14. Imagine that the blue colour is covered on your throat chakra. Feel that you are blessed by the speaking power.
  15. Cite the mantra Ham and feel that your personal truth has been found.
  16. The sixth chakra is third eye chakra which is related to intuition and brain power. This is also the centre of your mind power.
  17. Imagine that the indigo colour on your third eye. This colour helps you to open your third eye energy centre.
  18. Cite the mantra Aum which can be the blessing of your life because the mantra citing gives you unbelievable satisfaction in your life.
  19. The last chakra is crown chakra. Concentrate on your crown chakra and imagine that the energy is flowing on your crown chakra. The chakra is related to the connection with the divine, universe and your true self.
  20. Imagine the white colour of your crown chakra. The white colour is the combination of all colours. The colour transfers the energy from the universe to your body.
  21. Cite the mantra Aum and feel that all your body is covered by the divine energy.

At last of your chakra meditation, you must suggest yourself come out from the meditation. For that the following process should be applied:

  1. Number one I am coming out from the chakra meditation.
  2. Number two I and coming out from the chakra meditation.
  3. Number three I and coming out from the chakra meditation.
  4. Number four I and coming out from the chakra meditation.
  5. Number five I and coming out from the chakra meditation.
Kundalini Meditation

Kundalini Meditation

Kundalini meditation is the meditation which can open our kundalini energy and give us the divine power. It is the pure spiritual practice with the purpose to save the world from negativity. This meditation can give us the unlimited happiness in our life. The total satisfaction with our life brings all positive changes, not only in our life but also to the life of the people who are related to us.

Kundalini is the primal energy which lies on the bottom of the spine. The kundalini power is dormant inside our body and everybody has it. We must activate the kundalini power by doing meditation to awaken the latent power. The kundalini energy lies twisted like a serpent in the triangular sacrum at the lower end of the spine. By purifying our all 7 chakras we can awake the power of kundalini snake.

When the power awakens, we can be rid of physical, mental and psychological diseases. The energy purifies all the systems of our body. This meditation is also related to the 7 chakras of our body because, without the knowledge of 7 chakras, we can not do kundalini meditation perfectly. 7 chakras are the main centers or the path where the energy flows from the bottom of the spine to the tip of the head.

There are a lot of techniques for doing Kundalini meditation. We don’t have to be confused with different ways of doing. The most important factor is to awake our kundalini power. There is no vast difference in the different techniques but only the slight difference can be found.

meditation in nepal

The main purpose of Kundalini meditation is to be enlightened in life. It is very powerful meditation which can bring us to the higher level of the spiritual path. The ultimate destination of every yoga, pranayama, and meditation is to be liberated from the bondage of life. Most of the people want to seek worldly success, good health, and serenity in life. We can get everything whatever we choose to have in our life from kundalini yoga and meditation.

We must gradually evolve in kundalini meditation. We don’t have to hurry up to do the meditation fast. We must follow the process patiently. Kundalini meditation should be done with the instruction of a good master. We must understand the theory and precautions very perfectly then we can achieve our goal. We will not be the same after finishing Kundalini meditation. We will be transformed after the kundalini meditation.

At first, you must learn the basic concept of meditation if you don’t have any knowledge about meditation or you have not experienced meditation. You must go into a deeper level in mediation. You must follow your master in the process of kundalini meditation. The most important factor is to sit in a proper position in the meditation. You must sit in the very comfortable position with loose clothes. Padmasana can be the best position but you cannot sit in Padmasana you can sit in Sukhasana.

The breathing process can be the common meditation technique. With the instruction of your master, you should start to watch your breathing process. You may take a long breath from your nose with the sensation of inhaling and exiling.  You can count the breathing 1-5 and continue to count 1-5, not 6. When you count your breath, you can go to a deeper level.

For the further process of the meditation, your master will guide you. You should be clear that you don’t have to practice this meditation without your master until and unless you can be the good kundalini meditation practitioner. You should practice more and more to be a better meditator. You can achieve the mastery in meditation one day, which will be the best moment of your life.

Your master can give you a powerful mantra to make you concentrated. Mantra has the power of universe which has been singing for ages. The positive vibration can be produced by citing mantra. You must focus only on the meditation. You don’t have to attach with the worldly affairs during the meditation. There are a lot of benefits of kundalini meditation that you can not believe them. Kundalini meditation has many dimensions which are physical, mental, emotional, psychological and social. Some of the benefits of kundalini meditation are as follows:

  1. Your face becomes bright and you look younger than you really are.
  2. You can feel the bliss of life.
  3. Your brain becomes very light and you can remember most of the content what you read.
  4. You can realize that your body is very light, and you become happy most of the time.
  5. You can realize that some power of the universe is coming into your body.
  6. Kundalini meditation can purify your body and you can be completely healthy.
  7. Kundalini meditation can eliminate all the toxins in your body and increase the oxygen flow in the blood cells.
  8. Kundalini meditation can balance the chemistry of the brain and activates the positive hormones like serotonin and melatonin which can make us free from the risk of depression, stress, and anxiety.
  9. Kundalini meditation promotes the self-esteem of our life.
  10. The positive vibes of kundalini meditation can affect the world positively.
  11. You can feel the inner peace.
  12. You want to share your love with your dearest and nearest. You can give the love of your heart.
  13. You can be able to help others selflessly. Your expectation from others decreases.
  14. Your way of thinking will be changed, and you will be able to think about the positive aspect of your life.
  15. Kundalini meditation can increase your IQ level and make you more logical.
  16. You can feel the peace of mind you will become better to sense sound, color and sight.
  17. You can be more companionate and empathetic in your life.
  18. You can maintain the good relationship with the people around you.
  19. Kundalini meditation can increase your creative power.
  20. You can attract people easily. You will be popular with your friends.
  21. You become more spiritual and sincere in your life.
  22. You can feel youthful, immense joyful, and beautiful body.
  23. All the suppressions of our mind will disappear.
  24. You can find your real existence in this world.