by Yoga In Nepal | Mar 23, 2022 | Ayurveda
How to purify your Aura | 8 Aura Purification Method
Aura is the subtle body that is present in all of us. It is present not just in humans but in all kinds of living beings. Even the small animals and insects have a life aura within them. These energies are directly connected with the body, the mindset, and even the thoughts of the individual. They are responsible for keeping the body healthy and active. Sometimes various things affect the Aura of an individual.
They may be the lifestyle of the individual, or somethings sometimes they may get disturbed. However, there is no reason to worry as there are several ways to cleanse the aura and balance the body. There are many aura purification ways that one can do to purify the aura.
Some of the best aura purification ways are as follows:
Carrying crystals
Crystals are believed to have possessed special energy from long ago. There are various kinds of crystals in the world and various healing systems use various crystals to heal the body. People tend to wear crystals as jewelry in various ornaments or keep them in the living room, offices, or similar places to keep their aura balanced. There are various energy around us, there are some positive energies and some negative energy. These crystals can absorb negative energy and some even give positive energy. Amethyst, Lepidolite, moonstone are some of the stones that are popularly used to balance the auras.
Meditation is one of the oldest ways to balance and heal the body. These techniques were long used by the sages to concentrate their energies and even enhance their spirituality to achieve what they desire. Those sages used to meditate for months and even years to achieve their goals. However, to aura purification one does not have to meditate like that and even meditating for few minutes in a day is enough for aura purification.
Surrounding and environment
Aura is also affected by the environment and there is a significant role of surrounding and environment in aura purification also. When one lives in an untidy environment, bad surroundings or lives in surroundings that affect their psychology in a negative way it can disturb their aura. So clean and tidy your environment, even fill out the surroundings with the things you love. Even if it may not be possible for a large space and environment one can keep filling their room with the things that they like, and which give them mental and spiritual peace.
Aura purification bath
Even a normal bath is very good to balance various elements in the body. Bath can rejuvenate the body in various ways. However, an aura purification bath is even better than a normal bath. But what is an aura purification bath and how is it different from a normal bath? An aura purification bath is where various essential oils, herbs, salts are used for healing in various ways. First one fills the bathtub with water and then adds various essential oils, herbs and ingredients to the tub and then gets immersed in it to begin the healing process.
Chanting mantra
Mantra chanting is also used for aura purification. By chanting mantras, one uses the way of sound and vibration for aura purification. Sound and vibration are some of the fundamental energies of the universe, they are present everywhere not just on the earth. There are various kinds of mantras that produce various kinds of sounds. Our auras also respond to the sounds of chanting. Various vibrations and sounds produced through there can heal and restore the aura itself.
Be close to nature
We get everything from nature. It provides us with a place to stay, things to eat, and all of the things we use, or need are more or less taken from nature. Aside from all thing’s nature is, it is also the best healer there is. For aura purification try to be closer to nature and also one can take long walks and journey to the destination which is closer to nature and has natural ingredients that purify the aura.
Yoga is one of the ancient practices that heal the body in various ways. Yoga not only heals the physical self but also the mental and spiritual self. Many people practice yoga because they know that it will make them physically more fit, but they have not yet explored its mental and spiritual dimensions. Right yoga practices can be even used for aura purification and even be extended beyond that. When yoga is practiced daily it will heal if one has disturbed aura and even make it brighter and stronger than it was before originally in the first place.
Herbal teas and herbs
Herbs are one of the most efficient aspects of Ayurveda. Even the original system of healing and medication was based on herbs and plants. One can try our various herbs and also various herbal teas for aura purification. Ginger tea, green tea, turmeric tea, basil tea, chamomile tea are some of the herbal teas that help very much in aura purification.
by Yoga In Nepal | Mar 16, 2022 | Ayurveda
7 Different Aura Types
We are surrounded by energy, some are visible to us while some are not, some can be felt while others cannot be felt. One of the various forms of energy that are present around us is Aura. It is believed that each and everything has Aura and all of them emit a unique type of Aura that is unique to each and everything. Yes, even the one who is reading this is emitting a unique Aura with unique color. It is a subtle body; it is there but only a few can feel and acknowledge its presence.
There are also various Aura types if one is thinking that there is only one type of Aura. All the Aura types have their unique significance and are important for various reasons. It is believed that Aura and Aura types are also responsible for the health of an individual. Disturbances in the Aura can hamper one in many ways.
There are seven kinds of Aura types in total. All of the auras are unique and control the significant part of the body that is connected to them. Aura is like the projection of the physical self to the outer world. What the physical self as can be seen in the aura, the experts can do it. All of the auras of the body are connected to a unique chakra. Let us take a look at Aura types in detail:
Etheric Aura
This is the first Aura type of a total of seven Aura types. It is closest to the physical body and is enclosed by 6 types of Auras. The range of this aura extends from 2 to 4 inches from the surface of the body. The color of this Aura type is generally depicted as faint grey or violet. This aura acts like the bridge between the physical body and the other spiritual body as well as the layer of Aura.
Emotional Aura
This is the second Aura type. This lies just outside of the Etheric Aura and extends to about 3 inches from where the Etheric aura ends. The emotional aura is connected to the sacral aura and is directly connected to the ranges of emotion that the individual is feeling. All the emotions that one feels positive, and negative are all connected to this Aura type. Changes in emotion can change the shape and appearance of this layer of chakra and vice versa.
Mental Aura
This aura is directly connected to our minds. This Aura type is denoted by yellow color. This is the third aura type this lies just outside of the emotional aura. This aura type is 4 to 8 inches outside of the physical body. The chakra that is connected to this aura type is the solar plexus chakra. The mindset, way of thinking, entire thinking system are affected by this chakra and vice versa.
Astral Aura
This aura is directly connected to the heart chakra. The color of this aura is of the rainbow. The astral aura ranges from one foot outside of the body. It is said that this aura type is the bridge between the physical plane and the spiritual plane.
Etheric template Aura
This is the fifth aura type. This arura lies just outside of the astral aura. This aura type manages to extend about two feet from the physical body. The chakra that is connected to this aura type is the throat chakra. This aura is very unique and different from the other types of Auras. Etheric template aura is the 5th layer aura which is 4 types of auras behind the aura that touches the body. However, it is so connected to the body that it is also called the blueprint of the body. It is said that this aura looks like the negative of the photograph which was used to make the pictures before the digital age.
Celestial Aura
This is the sixth aura type and lies on the penultimate layers of the chakras. This aura is connected to the third eye chakra. It may extend to two and a half feet from the physical body. This is a very important aura for the people who are seeking enlightenment because it is directly linked to the third eye chakra which is the door to the spiritual plane. The one who awakens the third eye can move to the spiritual world and attain enlightenment if they seek it enough.
Spiritual Aura
This is the outermost of the aura type. This region lies outside of all of the aura types and can extend to three feet from the physical body. This is like the outermost sheath and all the other types of auras lie inside of it. The color that is bared by this aura is golden or white. It is said that this aura protects all the aura that lies beneath it, and it also is the aura that vibrates at the highest frequency. The chakra that is connected to the spiritual aura is the crown chakra.
by Yoga In Nepal | Feb 26, 2022 | Ayurveda
Protection of reiki healer During Healing & How to Receive energy By Healer
What exactly is a Reiki Healer?
Protection of reiki healer, the healing therapy developed by a Japanese Buddhist monk named Mikao Usui more than a century ago, you may base on a simple spiritual principle: We may guide by the same invisible life force, which regulates our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The body functions at a substandard level when it encounters roadblocks (which you may attribute to negative thinking, unresolved trauma, or stress overload, among other things).
However, even nonbelievers who have spent even an hour with a good Reiki master (as they are known) have reported experiencing a pleasant change of some kind. Reiki treatments blend light touch and above-the-body Energy sweeping that you may describe as peaceful or anchoring. Others describe it as more of an emotional realignment than anything else.
3 ways of Protection of reiki healer
Here are three ways of protection of reiki healer through crystal necklace.
1. Avoid Negative effect of Healing by Crystal Necklace
While healing, the healer should wear a crystal necklace to avoid the negative effect or not to be affected by lousy Energy. It would help if you employed stones a lot in energy work, yet you cannot manage hematite for your life. You touch it, and it simply shatters, right there in your palm. You have learned to employ other protection stones in its place since you can’t operate with them.
2. Reiki healers need to protect themselves.
Reiki healers need to protect themselves by shielding the area with their hands from all ten directions, eight different corners, sky, and down you. Natural textiles may be appropriate for the occasion. Remove your shoes, earrings, and glasses before your session, and turn off or leave your phone at home while you are there as well.
Reiki is a meditation technique that promotes relaxation, decreases tension, and anxiety, and helps people maintain a pleasant mental state through the use of light touch. Reiki self-treatment allows you to get the benefits of the therapy in the comfort of your own home. It is possible to Reiki on yourself in ten different postures throughout your treatment.
3. Cut the Energy while you end the Reiki.
When you are through with your reiki session, cut the Energy (if you don’t, the impact may last longer, and bad Energy may attack you via the channel that is still linked).
How To Receive Energy By Reiki healer
Receiving Energy is a process
The First Protection of reiki healer is receiving Energy. It would help if you first awakened the Energy inside yourself to begin any Reiki practice. To visualize this, imagine the top of your head opening and a stream of healing white light streaming from the top of it down into your heart and out through your arms and hands. Inquire about being refilled in the areas where you need healing the most. So, if you’re planning on providing Reiki to a loved one, you won’t have to worry about giving from an empty cup.
Continue to breathe while you sense the flow of Energy, and if you notice that your mind becomes preoccupied or that you begin to doubt if this is working, return to your breath. Visualize yourself as a healing vessel, ready to receive others’ healing. Then establish an intention or pray for healing that is in the best benefit of everybody involved.
Reiki as a Sleep Aid
Reiki as a Sleep Aid is also a protection of reiki healer. Request that the receiver lay down while you position yourself near their head to provide a sleep-focused Reiki treatment to a friend or relative. Imagine a constant stream of healing light flowing from your hands into the back of their heads, relieving their minds of whatever pain or suffering they may have been experiencing that day.
Instruct your loved one to take multiple rounds of deep breaths, gently counting an inhalation of three seconds and an exhale of three to five seconds for each game of breathing. Ask them to recall their whole day, one memory now gently, and to express gratitude for each memory before exhaling and letting it go with their next breath.
Continue to channel the Energy via your hands and transmit the healing light into their complete body as they go off to sleep. Imagine your body being healed, relaxed, and heavy in preparation for a restful night’s sleep. You may provide Reiki for as long as you wish, but most people find that between fifteen and thirty minutes is sufficient to make them feel calm and tranquil.
Reiki as a Stress Reliever
When individuals are anxious or stressed, they often have difficulty breathing correctly, and the shortness of breath may exacerbate the worry or stress. During this Reiki session, you must channel Energy down the recipient’s shoulders and into their body. For ten to fifteen minutes, place your hands on their shoulders and relax.
Sending Energy into their whole body and breathing deeply with them should be your primary focus. This may naturally help to calm some of the high mental Energy down and help them to come back into their physical bodies again. If your loved one is lying down, you may also put your hands behind their back to assist them in relaxing and becoming more relaxed.
Sealing Off Energy
It is a most beneficial aspect of the Protection of reiki healers. When you have finished a healing session, it is necessary to express appreciation, cleanse yourself, and shut the Energy. Taking a step back, washing your hands clean of any surplus energy, and putting them in prayer to express gratitude to yourself, the power, and the receiver for the exchange may be as easy as taking a deep breath. Draw a broad circle around yourself, crossing your arms in front of your body to symbolize the joining of your two energies and finishing with your hands clasped together in prayer.
by Yoga In Nepal | Jan 15, 2022 | Ayurveda
Lemongrass and Its benefits
Lemongrass is a special herb with many benefits. The herb has various specialties that make it very popular among people who want to live a healthy life through the path of natural medicines and nature. It is a plant that deserves the attention of people, not just the herb but the extracts of the plant like its oil are also used for various purposes. People are becoming more and more aware of the potential benefits of lemongrass and the change it can get into their life.
Earth is filled with life in almost all its parts. From oceans to hills, from plains to valleys, life is present except for the hardest topographies. There is no doubt that humans stand at the top of all of this life, but there is a significant number of other lives also. From the microbes that we cannot see with our naked eyes, the gigantic blue whale, which is the largest animal in the world, to the plants which are stationary on their feet and all over the world all are life and living on earth with us.
Despite the huge variety of living beings on earth, if we look at the species of plants and animals, we will find that they are very different even among each other. Some are very harmful to us while some are very helpful to us. Some can take our life easily even by smelling them while some can grant us life with their medicinal value. Many plants have helped humankind with their medicinal property for hundreds of years. In fact, in all civilizations, the first form of medicine and medication was to use plants or specific parts of plants as medicine.
Among the many plants in our world, there is a specific plant called lemongrass which is known for its healing properties and amazing aroma. This amazing herb has been recently the talk of many people.
Lemongrass (Cymbopogon)
Fever grass, barbed wire grass, silky heads, cochin grass, Malabar grass are a few of many names of lemongrass. It was native to the Asian and African continents in the past. However, due to the use of lemongrass for flavors, culinary and medicinal use, the herb can be now found in various parts of the world. Also, there are various varieties of lemongrass that are available all over the world.
First yield
Lemongrass is an herb, and it does not have a woody stem so it grows quickly and also can be harvested quickly. After 7 to 8 months of plantation of the herb, it can be harvested for the first time.
The name lemongrass is because of its taste and smell. It has a citrus taste as well as a similar smell. The aftertaste has a little bit of mint-like flavor.
Lemongrass is found today in many parts of the world. The climate greatly varies in various parts of the world, so it is difficult to say what climate is best for lemongrass as there are various varieties of lemongrass across the world and various varieties have been adapted to various climatic conditions in various parts of the world. However, a generalization can be made and that says that lemongrass prefers a warm and humid climate with good moisture and sun.
Appearance of Lemongrass
Lemongrass resembles the rice plant in some ways, but they grow a lot longer than rice plants. Lemongrass is an herb. It may be tall, but it does not have a woody stem. Some varieties of lemongrass may grow as tall as 6 feet while some may be smaller while the width maybe 4 feet if let it be. The entire plant is green in color. This plant has long and thin pointy leaves. The leaves tilt below when the plant grows, and that is why it resembles the rice plant.
Benefits of lemongrass
Lemongrass is a multi-purpose herb, and it can be used for various purposes. Now, let us look at the various uses and purposes of lemongrass,
Balance cholesterol
Cholesterol is an important substance that our body needs to build healthy cells and growth. It is a waxy substance that is found in the blood. However, no matter how much the body needs cholesterol and what may be used, it is extremely harmful to the body if present in excessive amounts. When blood has a huge amount of cholesterol for a longer period, the waxy substance starts to get deposited on the various regions of the blood vessels.
The deposition of cholesterol on the side of the vessels reduces the passage for the flow of the blood which results in increased pressure. Also, sometimes the continuous accumulation of cholesterol for a longer period may even block the blood vessel which is extremely harmful to our body.
Cholesterol always needs to be balanced and there are various steps that one can take to balance the cholesterol in their blood. Among the many ingredients that aid to balance cholesterol in the blood one is lemongrass. Daily consumption of lemongrass has been found to decrease cholesterol. This herb aids to balance cholesterol and promote healthy life and living.
Lose weight
Being overweight is a problem for many people. More than over-consumption of natural food people are gaining weight due to industrial foods and similar products. This is the harsh reality, and we should be questioning tasty food which is the only pleasure of the tongue of food that is healthy.
This is one cause why people are gaining more weight but there are some other causes also like genetics and metabolism. Some people have a genetic quality that makes them huge, and it is hard for them to lose weight. Another cause is metabolism, and this part can be maintained to some level.
Metabolism is the process by which our body converts what we eat into energy. It is an involuntary action like breathing which our body does on its own after we inhale food. People who have good metabolism can convert food into energy fast. It means that if you have good and high metabolism then you are going to need more calories than the lower counterpart to maintain your body weight. People with low metabolism gain weight even after consuming low calories due to their slow metabolism.
A good metabolism is very important, and the consumption of lemongrass maintains good metabolism. If someone has low metabolism then they can consume lemongrass tea or can put it in their foods to boost the metabolism.
It has a diuretic property
A diuretic is any substance that causes diuresis. Diuresis is the process of production of more urine to flush out the toxins in the body. Diuretic substances are often prescribed to patients who have a bad liver, heart problems, and similar cases. Urination is not only the process of throwing out excess water in the body, but it also is the process of flushing out the toxins and un useful materials that are produced during the various biological functions of the body.
Toxins are collected by various actions. Some are collected in the body by biological functions, while some get into the body by harmful habits like drinking alcohol, smoking, and so on. These toxins, if let in the body for a longer period, can harm the body in many ways. When a diuretic substance is consumed due to frequent urination the excess fluids in the body, as well as the sodium present in the body, get out.
Lemongrass is also popular for its diuretic property. When consumed it promotes urination that flushes out sodium and other toxins from the body. Drink it as tea or as a seasoning in food as long as it gets the inside body it will work.
It may have anti-cancer properties
Cancer is a condition where the cells in the body grow abnormally and spread to the other parts of the body. This condition is extremely difficult to care for and even may result in death. The treatment of cancer is an extremely costly and lengthy process that does not guarantee complete success. Billions have been spent on research into cancer and a lot of time has also passed but a satisfactory cure for the condition still has not been found.
Cancer in the last stage when it has spread to various parts is difficult to cure but in the starting phase cancer was just one or couple of cells that started everything. If the body had dealt with it when it was some cells it never would have gotten the chance to develop into cancer and spread to the body parts. It is believed that lemongrass has citral which has anti-cancer properties and helps our body to fight cancer cells.
Lemongrass tea
Lemongrass tea is made by boiling the lemongrass into water. The tea provides an amazing aura of lemon and citric flavor. Many people also love lemongrass for its taste and flavor. Also, there are numerous benefits of lemongrass if drink as tea. When drinking tea, you can get all of its benefits without having to eat it. Some people do not like to eat herbs directly, but they love to drink tea. If that is the case lemon grass tea is for you.
Anti-microbial properties
Microbial life is all around us. We, with our naked eyes, cannot see it but they are everywhere. Among the microbial population, there are some which are very beneficial to us, there are some which are neutral which neither harm us and neither do us good in any other way, however, there are some which are extremely harmful to us and can harm us in many ways. From causing us minor injury to even taking the lives that is the range of harmful microbial life.
Lemongrass is not the cure for the most harmful microbes, but it does have anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties. Sometimes due to bacterial infection, we can get ulcers in the mouth and lips. While these ulcers are not fatal but are very irritating and can even take weeks to heal. Lemongrass with its anti-bacterial properties can help you to heal the ulcers fast. Microbes if left unchecked can become quite irritating, if that is the case lemongrass can come for the rescue.
Anti-inflammatory properties
Inflammation can be dangerous and can aid in heart diseases and some other conditions in the body. Lemongrass can reduce the impact of inflammation in the body. Cetral and geranial are the two compounds that are said to have anti-inflammatory properties. These two are found in lemongrass according to some studies. This concludes that lemongrass is good for inflammation and has anti-inflammatory properties.
Against anxiety
The human body is a combination of mind, body, and spirit. One or two parts of this may be perfectly fine but only if one of these elements is not well then one cannot be completely healthy. There are some kinds of problems where there are no wounds or problems on the surface, but much is on inside where no one can see but only you can feel. Among the many problems, there is anxiety. Anxiety is not a problem but is a defense mechanism of the body that makes one more cautious about the dangers.
It was more useful when humans used to live in the forest where there were life-threatening dangers around our ancestors. Being anxious when we see life-threatening dangers, critical situations is ok to some level. The problem is when one starts to get anxious about everything. They start to get anxious when they must get out of the house, they even get anxious when they must talk to somebody. Now, this is a severe problem at many levels.
Anxiety cannot be dealt with overnight it needs time and the right kind of help to get over it. Many kinds of medicines and therapy help to overcome anxiety. Lemongrass also helps to battle anxiety. Lemongrass has the property to relieve stress and tension. These two add fuel to anxiety and make it more severe. Lemongrass aids to battle anxiety by taking the weight of stress and tension.
by Yoga In Nepal | Dec 16, 2020 | Ayurveda
The Concept of Tri-Dosha
Tri-Dosha is the science of understanding our nature or our constitution. It defines three fundamental principles that govern the overall functions of our body and stables our emotional level. In other words, Tri-Dosha is a combination of three basic principles of energy or biological humor. The three components of Tri-Dosha are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha Dosha. The balance of all Tri-Dosha leads to a healthy and sound body while imbalance Tri-Dosha leads to the diseased condition.
In a healthy person balancing, the Tri-Dosha means to restore the original body type dosha combination, with a slight adjustment to suppress dominant dosha in the body. In a diseased condition, it means to bring back all the three doshas to normal proportions i.e. 33% each. However, because of the normal human diet and all other factors, it is almost impossible to maintain exactly 33% of each dosha. Its level always fluctuates.
The concept of Tri-Dosha has always been a mystery. They are the three energetic principles that underpin and activate the more physical aspects of Pancha bhuta. The three vital senses of humor (Vayu, pitta, and Kapha) maintains the integrity of organisms by maintaining, creating, and diffusing strengths. Wherever there is life, there is a vital role of Tri-Dosha. The functions of the three vital senses of humor of Tri-Dosha are given below.
Function of Vata dosha
* It is responsible for the movement of blood in blood vessels.
* It is responsible for the movement of the neck and all body parts.
* It helps in the movement of food and nutrients.
* It is responsible for the movement of eyeballs, hands, and legs.
Vata means the substance called air and is directly related to the element called air. Its presence provides a sensation to our body i.e. vibration and movement. It is a symbolic mobilizing agent for bodily energy.
Function of Pitta Dosha
* It is directly involved with digestion and metabolism.
* It controls the produced energy.
* It helps to maintain the body temperature.
* It enhances intelligence, courage, valor, etc.
Pita means the substance called bile and is related to the substance called fire. Bodily bile is a vital metabolic substance that contains metabolic products. It is a symbolic agent for energy or heat.
Function of Kapha Dosha
* It confers stability and compactness.
* It confers lubrication, firmness of the joints.
* It is the cause for mental capacity to withstand or withhold emotions, strains, etc.
* It imbibes forgiveness quality in a person.
Kapha means mucous and is related to the element of water. It is a symbolic agent for the nutrient source of bodily energy.
Tri-Dosha is the central and primary concept of Ayurveda medicine. All the Ayurvedic physicians strongly believe that these ancient ideas are based on spiritual knowledge discovered by rishi munis. The concept of Tri-Dosha allows Ayurvedic physicians to examine the status of the whole system homeostasis.
Interrelationship of Tri-Doshas Vata dosha, pitta dosha, and Kapha dosha
The sensations, movements, and vibrations generated by the Vata via the nervous system controls and regulates the supply of the energy released by Kapha. The supply of vital mucous controls and regulates sensation, movements, and vibrations within the nervous system. Therefore, the substance of Vata and Kapha regulates and controls each other. Again, both of them work in a team to control and regulate pitta.
The doshas ensure that all mahabhutas are held together and exert their functions in synergism for the optimum function of the human body. Vata is the force that holds together Akasha and Vayu mahabhuta. Pitta is the force that holds together Agni and Jala mahabhuta. Kapha is the force that holds together Prithvi and Jala mahabhuta.
The balance of all three senses of humor helps to improve your body condition and makes you healthy. Here are some keys that can help you to balance your doshas:
- Going to bed before 10 PM.
- Maintaining a good daily routine.
- Exercise in moderation and not to the point of exhaustion.
- Protecting yourself from the mid-day sun.
- Taking time to eat heartily, favor cool lunch.
- Pranayama breathing practice.
- Taking a brisk walk soon after sunrise.
- Awaken by 6 AM.
by Yoga In Nepal | May 13, 2018 | Ayurveda
Ayurveda in Nepal has been developed since verities of the medicinal herb are found here. It has a glorious history in Ayurveda. Ayurvedic history is unknown when it was begun, so it is considered as eternal. Nepalese people have been using different types of vegetation as medicine from the unknown historical period for the diseases. Ayurvedic treatment was limited only in Nepal but more or less the treatment system prevailed in some other countries. However, Nepal has a vast relation with Ayurveda.
There are cure and treatment in Ayurveda for all types of diseases. They also work for prevention of the diseases and increase in immunity power. So, there is a great importance of Ayurveda. The fundamental of the Ayurvedic system is same from the ancient period till now. The same system works in all periods of time. All the people used to completely depend on Ayurveda for their health. Ayurveda was the source for each individual and each family.
Through the practical knowledge of the ancient people Vaidhya (ayurvedic doctor of past time), the process, theories, and philosophy has been texted as Ayurvedic literature.
Ayurveda teaches the ways of treatment in a natural way through herbal products as well as contains the names of all herbs, roots, trees, grass etc whichever has a meditational value. The origin of Ayurveda is the gift of Atharva Veda which mentions several diseases and their treatments. Later, there was systematic development in science from 6th to 7th century, it is called Samhita period. Many classical works were produced by a number of authors during the period.
Evidence of organized medical care is found during that period. The continuous development in the Ayurvedic system has reached an advanced level in Nepal. The geographical situation of Nepal i.e. it is situated at the lap of Himalayas; ayurvedic herbs and minerals are naturally found in a rich amount in Nepal. Nepal is inhabited place by the various loving caring prophet (rishi).
The regular study of Atharva Veda and continuous fervency to rescue the beings and elongate the lifespan creates Ayurveda. About 5000 years before, there was a severe attack on India by some foreigners.
Some wise men suggested that valuable things can be safe in Nepal. Thus, in addition to Nepalese valuable Ayurvedic texts, the Indian valuable manuscripts were also kept safe in Nepal. Thus, Nepal is considered to be a safe and ideal place for the progress and development in Ayurveda. Nepal possesses a great potential in Ayurveda because of climate, geographical position, great Himalayas.
Nepal is a residential place of several seers, naturally, there is an expansive opportunity of Ayurveda in Nepal. Uncountable numbers of herbs which are found in Himalaya and mountains have given a glory in the field of Ayurveda. Among them, many unique medicinal herbs are never found in another land. Nepal is declared as the Ayurveda Kingdom as different ancient granthas and more than 1600 varieties of medicinal plants. Thus Ayurveda in Nepal is favorable.
As there found a great possibility of Ayurveda in Nepal, Ayurveda Education system is also developed. The ancient beginning of Ayurveda education started with Guru-Shishya (teacher-student) tradition. Some elders or other whoever had some knowledge about some diseases and ayurvedic treatment used to share their knowledge with common people.
People continued to exchange their knowledge about ayurvedic treatment among the people with each other. Teacher or guru, grandparents, parents and other elder people also gave the concepts of Ayurveda to students and children. This tradition was the major factor to continue the Ayurveda concept. Slowly, school, college and institution etc of Ayurveda in Nepal were established.
The great historic periods of Nepal like Malla period, Lichchhavi period, Shah period etc. were the important time for the development of Ayurveda. Some Nepali learned and disciple used to visit India to get Ayurveda knowledge from the experienced teacher, and sometimes to transfer their knowledge as well. Indians also used to come to Nepal for this purpose. Due to these activities Both Nepal and India got benefited sharing each-others’ knowledge.

History of Ayurveda In Nepal
For the development of Ayurveda in Nepal, Shri Tin Chandra Shamsher introduced a fund with two lakhs in 1971 B.S. for higher study of Nepali Ayurveda students in Nepal. In 1985 B.S., Ayurveda School was established in Naraveda School. Three levels of Ayurveda education with two years duration each used to run in earlier years. The progress caused to change after 2009 B.S and some syllabi were updated as well.
Different courses like Ayurveda Madhyama, Ayurved Shastri, and Ayurvedacharya were started. By 2032 B.S. Ayurveda education was given from several books.
Along with theory class, the practical class was conducted at Bir Hospital and Ayurveda hospital. In 2029 B.S., under the Institute of I.O.M. Ayurveda School was changed into Ayurveda Campus. This was certificate level till 2048 B.S. Some colleges were added with the class called B.A.M.S. (Bachelor in Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery). But they were closed.
However, the program B.A.M.S. continued in 2053 B.S. Another Ayurveda Program called Sahayak Ayurveda Karyakarta was launched in 2054B.S. Mahendra Sanskrit Bishow Bidhyalaya started certificate level. As an optional education, basic Ayurveda was started in class 9 and 10.
Ayurveda Health Policy-2052 B.S. was signed by Nepal Government with the emphasis on the establishment of National Institute of Ayurveda. Many Ayurveda pharmaceuticals were established in 2016/17 B.S. Many of them were for free distribution. After 2052 B.S., more than 110-145 types of Ayurveda medicine were manufactured. Singhadurbar Baidhyakhana has more than 350 years pride for Ayurvedic medicines.
Ayurveda in Nepal has given treatment in different ways. There were seats of Bhaidhyas in Army in Rana Regime too. Many Ayurveda Dispensaries were established in many districts in 1973 B.S. There were 47 Ayurveda Dispensaries and 1 Ayurveda Hospital till 2007 BS. There were 141 Ayurveda Dispensaries and 14 zonal Ayurveda Hospitals till 2048. At present time in Nepal, there are:
Ayurveda Hospitals Dang with 30 beds—————1
Central Ayurveda Hospital, Naradevi with 100 beds—–1
Zonal Ayurveda Hospitals——————————14
District Ayurveda Health Centers————-61
Ayurveda Dispensaries ———-216
Total: 293
Till this date, Ayurveda class in Nepal has been progressed. There are 291 Ayurveda Health Institution in Nepal. Central Ayurveda Hospital, Naradevi has departments like Internal Medicine (Kayachikitsa), Surgery (shalya), Pediatrics (Baal Roga), ENT + eye (shalakya), Gynecology (Stri Roga) and Acupuncture. The development in Ayurveda in Nepal is continuing. To join one month Ayurveda yoga detox course click here and to join the one week introductory yoga and Ayurveda yoga course click here