Significance Of The Gurukul System Over The Modern Education System?

Introduction: What is the gurukul system?

An early Vedic school in India, known as a Gurukul, is a place where students live and study under the strong guidance of their teacher or guru. The students are treated equally regardless of their social status or the status of their family, which is one of the benefits of gurukul. Besides studying, the students are expected to perform menial tasks such as cleaning and washing clothes, bringing in wood to cook and water, and so on.

Even though Lord Krishna walked the Earth, He and His elder brother Balaram lived in Ujjain at the house of Sandipani Muni, His guru, and underwent the same austerities. The ashram is always there, and it continues to draw a large number of pilgrims each year.

Because it has been around since the beginning of Vedic civilization, this education system is the oldest on the planet. As far back as modern times, it can be directly traced 10,000 years to prehistoric times in the ancient world. Students’ physical, mental, and spiritual well-being is safeguarded by the curriculum, which is included in the benefits of gurukul.

As a student at a Gurukul, you will learn about self-development at every stage of your life, from householder to professional to everything in between. Because of their exposure to self-sufficiency, farming, and cow protection, the student will learn about the ecosystem and world preservation.

The importance of the Gurukul system in present times:

The major objective of each and every gurukul was to educate students in an environment that was as close to nature as possible while still maintaining an atmosphere of unity, humanity, love, and discipline. For the most part, in the benefits of gurukul, the teachings focused on topics like language, science, and mathematics. In addition to this, the emphasis was placed on the arts, sports, crafts, and singing, which honed the students’ critical thinking and intelligence.

As a result of the benefits of gurukul, they were able to cultivate a positive outlook and a healthy body through activities like yoga, meditation, and mantra chanting. In order to teach them practical skills, it was also required that they do their own daily chores. All of these factors contributed to the growth of the individuals’ personalities, boosting their self-esteem, self-control, intellect, and mindfulness, all of which are essential in today’s world.

They are committed to providing high-quality education to all citizens of the world through this gurukul education system. As long as the benefits of gurukul, its system, and these forms are in place, all grades will have the same level of entitlement. Students can learn to be wrestlers, pharmacists, and other professionals through this program. The guru will lead them in this manner. It was not shared by any other caste distributors.

Is it necessary to bring the Gurukul system as a form of the education system?

The gurukul system may seem strange to some because of its lack of structure and rigidity. The lack of an education system or set schedule, coupled with the presence of a teacher, can cause some to question how a child will be able to learn. Modern educationalists, on the other hand, have taken a step back and realized that the Gurukul system contains many teaching approaches that render benefits of gurukul that can be incorporated into the modern educational system. In the case to better understand the impact of the gurukul system, now let’s look at the following list.

The gurukul system’s ambiance:

Gurukuls and the benefits of gurukul are often found in idyllic settings away from the bustle of city life, surrounded by a sense of peace and quiet. As a consequence of this, it is expected of young minds to foster a strategic and reflective perspective, which will result in an atmosphere that is objective and will motivate pupils to understand. The setting is crucial; being surrounded by nature and free of any outside influences creates an atmosphere that is ideal for learning.

Self-reliance is one of the major important values to instill in oneself as a human being as a result of this isolation. Such schools have a peaceful atmosphere that is ideal for growth and achievement.

Infrastructure that is up-to-date:

Only by placing emphasis on practical knowledge will students be able to achieve their full potential as learners. But alas, the current educational system places a high value on rote memorization and cramming, neither of which is sufficient. The benefits of gurukul included in the Gurukul system emphasized practical training for students in a wide range of fields. To help students become better people, it is now possible to combine academics with extracurricular activities and teach mindfulness and spiritual awareness.

A systemic approach to teaching and learning

Anger at their peers drives today’s education system, which places a heavy emphasis on a rank system. For even more fuel, parents who judge their children’s knowledge solely on academic performance contribute. The benefits of gurukul can be used in a value-based framework where the focus is given to each child’s uniqueness so that they might flourish in their chosen field of study. This will also help to develop a positive character, one that is not prone to the kind of depression that is often brought on by high levels of competition and stress.

The relation between teacher and student:

Today as a benefit of gurukul, it is critical that instructors and learners have a positive working co-ordination that is built on mutual respect and mutual- understanding. This is because children are more likely to imitate their caregivers when they feel safe and trusted. Activities and training workshops can be used to help students form bonds with their peers in today’s Gurukul system.

Final words:

The Gurukul system of education is intended to help students develop a healthy sense of self-awareness as the benefit of the gurukul curriculum. In order for children to make educated choices about work, food, exercise, and other aspects of their lives, this concept of balance should be supposed to teach to them from an early age. The Gurukul system is clearly the way to a healthier and more conscientious world, as evidenced by the facts listed above. We should continue to pursue this goal of educating young minds and instilling ethical, social, moral, and cultural development through a holistic approach to learning.