Ashtanga Vinyasa Surya Namaskar B

Ashtanga Vinyasa Surya Namaskar B consists of 17 steps (with 17 asanas) along with breathing and focus. This is followed after the Surya Namaskara – A. Each Surya Namaskar is repeated for three to five times. This practice is the summation of flexibility, strength and balance. This was sequenced by K. Pattabhi Jois (26th July1915 – 18th May 2009). He was a Sanskrit scholar and yoga teacher.

0)       Preparation – Samasthiti: Begin with the Samasthiti, a balanced state. Keep feet hip distance apart. Stand erect.

1)       Ekam (one) – Uttkatasana: sequence of 1st step of Ashtanga Vinyasa Surya Namaskar B is: Inhale, raise your hands up, stretch the entire body, bend the knees, but knees should not cross the toes level. Push the hips backwards. Elongated your back. This pose is also known as chair pose. Its literary meaning: Utkata means Hazardous or uneven and asana means a pose.

2)       Dwe (two) – Uttanasana: Exhale, forward fold. Make sure you bend from the hips not from the lower back. Try to elongate the back rather curving it. In the other words- practice to stretch your back during forward fold. Fix your palms on the floor as far as possible behind the heels.

3)       Trini (three) – Urdhva Uttanasana: Inhale, everything remaining the same, raise your head up. The back may be slightly curved while facing upwards. Hands will still remain on the floor.

4)       Chatwari (four) – The steps involved in Ashtanga Vinyasa Surya Namaskar B are as follows: Chaturanga Dandasana: Exhale, jump backward with the balance on the hands. Keep the body horizontally straight with the support of upper limbs and lower limbs. The elbows will remain bent at 90 degree while the lower arm perpendicular to the floor. Spread the weight not only on the palm but on the fingers and on their bases as well.

5)       Pancha (five) – Urdhva mukha svanasana: Inhale, move to upward facing dog pose. The thighs will remain above the floor, back bend and face upwards. As in Chatutanga dandasana spread the weight not only on the palm but on the fingers and on their bases as well.

6)       Shat (six) – Adho mukha svanasana: Exhale, move to downward facing dog pose. Try to draw your heels to the floor. To open the shoulders try to touch your forehead to the floor. Continue to spread the weight not only on the palm but on the fingers and on their bases as before. Hold the position for five breaths.

7)       Sapta (seven) – Virabhadrasana: In this step of Ashtanga Vinyasa Surya Namaskar B, Inhale, move your right foot forward, hands stretch upwards. The front knee (right leg) bent at 90 degree. The knee should not cross the heel or it will create knee pain. The back foot will turn within 45 degree to 60 degree. The weight of the body should be shared equally on each leg.

8)       Ashta (eight) – Chaturanga Dandasana: Exhale, keep your hands on the floor and repeat as number four.

9)       Nava (nine) – Urdhva mukha svanasana: Inhale, repeat as in number five.

10)    Dasha (ten) –  Adho mukha svanasana: Exhale, repeat as in number six.

11)    Ekadasha (eleven) – Virabhadrasana: Inhale, move your left foot forward, hands stretch upwards. The front knee (left leg) bent at 90 degree. The knee should not cross the heel or it will create knee pain. The back foot will turn within 45 degree to 60 degree. The weight of the body should be shared equally on each leg.

12)    Dwadasha (twelve) – Chaturanga Dandasana- Exhale, repeat as in number four.

13)    Trayodasha (thirteen) – Urdhva mukha svanasana: Inhale, repeat as in number five.

14)     Chaturdasha (fourteen) – Adho mukha svanasana: Exhale, repeat as in number six.

15)    Panchadasha (fifteen) – Urdhva Uttanasana: Inhale, jump forward to Urdhva uttanasana as in number three.

16)    Sodasha ( sixteen) – Uttanasana: Exhale, repeat as in number two.

17)    Saptadasha (seventeen) – Inhale, repeat as in number one.

Sine the Ashtanga Vinyasa Surya Namaskar B followed after the Surya Namaskara – A, click here to see how Surya namaskar A is Done