Yoga for Student Life for High Physical & Mental Growth
Yoga is not the limited subject matter. It can cover all the aspects of our life. Yoga is beneficial not only for the youths and adults but also for the students and seniors. Students are the valuable gifts of the future that they can handle the future the world. So, they need to be healthy and happy in their life from their school life or childhood. For the students, yoga can be the best medium to be free from the stress and increase the mind power.
Most of the students in this modern era are very confused by the present scenario of the world. They should be free from the stress that comes from the outside source. They are so vulnerable that they can learn what they see by their eyes in this world. In this situation, yoga can be the best way to make them clear about their goal.
The concept of yogic life should teach from our childhood because we can perceive everything effectively in our childhood. If we can learn something about yoga and positive thinking in our student life, our life can become easier in our childhood as well as in the future. There are a lot of benefits of doing yoga in the student life. The most important factor in the student life is memory power and yoga can increase and improve our memory power.
Why yoga in student life?
The children don’t have any life’s problems like adults but they need to do yoga for their academic improvement, stress management and healthy body and mind. All the students from class 1 to graduate need to do yoga in their life for their study as well as physical, mental and psychological development. Some of the students are under the stress of their family condition and other psychological problem. If they do yoga, they can be free from the stress from outside in the classroom and they can concentrate on their study.
Concentration plays a very important role in the study. If we cannot give any attention in the study, we never understand anything. Yoga can improve the power of concentration of the student. Concentration can improve the level of student’s academic position and overall extra activities. Children can distract very easily from their study so yoga is very useful to bring their attention to the study. Many types of research show that yoga can improve the concentration and memory power of the students.
The healthy body can receive everything easily in the classroom so yoga can be helpful to improve the health of the body of students. If students become healthy, they can give their full attention in their study. The fresh mind of student can focus on the study. Yoga should be playful to the students. Yoga can make a student, better student in the class. Yoga increases the positivity in the life of students. Yoga increases the level of confidence of the student so he or she can perform the better in the classroom or in the examination.
There are a lot of pressures in the life of students. They think exam and result are their hard times because they want to bring high grade to show in the family and among their friends. To cope with that pressure, all the students should start yoga and all the schools should give the environment for them to learn yoga. Yoga can teach them to take their exam and result easily.
If the student is very good in the study, what is the reason to be in pressure? They are never in the pressure. They start to enjoy their exam and result after their yoga session. Yoga helps students to make more friends in their life. Students can be friendlier by the yoga. Students become more sociable in the society. Yoga can increase the power of decision making. Yoga can enable the students to make the commitment to their goal setting. So, Yoga for Student Life is very worthful.
The problem of the today’s students is to copy their homework from their own previous homework or friend’s homework. This kind of habit is not good. In this situation, yoga can help them to be creative in doing their homework. They don’t have to worry about their homework. They can do their homework in a creative way.
Most of the students are restless in their childhood so they need to be calm for improving their study. Yoga for Student Life can be helpful for their peace of mind. When their mind becomes calm, they can give their attention in their study. Relaxation is a most important factor in the life of a student. Yoga increases the good hormones in the mind of students and those good hormones can be very effective them to be relaxed. This kind of chemical can play the role of motivation in the life of a student.
There are much-restricted thinking in the society. The traditional way of thinking can lead the student to the narrow-minded. Yoga can help the student to develop the broader mind. Yoga inspires the students to be open-minded. Yoga can also help them to be positive in their life. Positivity leads them to the higher level of thinking capacity. Their conduct and behavior become very praiseworthy. They can take the problems of their life very easily. They can find out the reason behind the problem and the solution of the problem.
Students are emotionally weak in their age. Students are easily affected by the outside situation. Yoga can help them to be emotionally strong. Students become able to control their emotions and anger after the regular practice of yoga. Yoga is beneficial to increase the immune system of the body of students which can prevent physical and mental diseases.
Most of the students take wrong decisions in their life and they regret after the result of their decision. But, yoga increases the decision making power and that can lead them towards the maturity of the mind. The most important factor is that yoga prevents the students to be away from the addiction because yoga can relax their body and lessen the stress of their mind. So, they never think about any addiction in their student life.
Some of the yoga for the student life ( yoga poses) are here:
- Cat-cow pose
- Staff Pose
- Child Pose
- Pigeon Pose
- Cobra Pose
- Tree Pose
- Chair Pose
- Lotus Pose
- Seated Twist Tose
- Garland Pose
Yoga for student life is essential to improve student’s study and health. There are a lot of benefits of yoga in student life. Students can develop a new broaden concept of their life by yoga which will be very helpful in their future. Students are the source of our future world so we have to give them the chance to do yoga from their student life.