Singing Bowl Meditation- The Way To Go Inner Sound Listening

Eastern cultures have used singing bowls for meditation for centuries, and in recent decades, the practice has gained popularity in the West.

A singing bowl is a wonderful tool for meditation, allowing you to concentrate and go deeper into your practice. The soothing tones and gentle motion of utilizing the singing bowl can help you enter a deeper, more focused state of meditation.

In meditation using singing bowl, you can employ a singing bowl in a few distinct ways. You can use the bowl for silent meditation by creating the noises on your own, or you can have someone else do so for you during a guided meditation. Holding the bowl properly and making the bowl’s gentle, melodious sounds are the only real requirements for using a meditation bowl effectively.

Holding Your Singing Bowl Properly

Mastering the correct grip on a singing bowl is the first step in using one. It is normal practice for meditators for meditation using singing bowl, is to hold the bowl while they sit in stillness or to set it on a table in front of them.

  • If your dish isn’t too big or heavy, you can probably get away with holding it in one hand.
  • Hold the bowl in your hand to prevent it from sliding off the pad if you are using a heavier striker or striking the bowl with a more vigorous blow.
  • If you need to use a large bowl that is difficult to hold with one hand, it is best to do so on a table.
  • The bowl can be set down on the table with less effort if the striker is light or if you are not striking it extremely hard.

Relax and focus during your yoga or meditation practice with the soothing tones of a Tibetan singing bowl.

The steps of using the singing bowls for beginners:

Decide which singing bowl is ideal for you-You may find bowls and strikes in a wide range of sizes and materials; pick the ones that suit your preferences in terms of sound and feel. For peaceful reflection, try using a crystal singing bowl or a hand-hammered metal bowl.

  1. Strike the bowl- Get yourself in a good position, and then use the striker to hit the bowl.
  2. Make the bowl sing- If you want the sound vibrations from your strike to travel further, drag the striker around the inside of the bowl.
  3. 4. Meditate- Listen to the calming tones of the meditation bowl while closing your eyes. Take a load off and let the music carry you away.

Deep Relaxation

You are stuck in a loop of constant beta brainwaves (thinking, logic, and overthinking) due to your dependence on technology and the frequency with which you use your cell phone. The meditation using singing bowl usage has been shown to induce theta and alpha brainwaves, which are associated with a state of deep relaxation and intuitive understanding. Taking part in a sound bath or incorporating the use of a singing bowl into your own meditation has the additional benefit of allowing you to briefly disconnect from technology and concentrate on the here and now.

Healing And Immune System Function

Chronic stress impairs the body’s ability to repair and rejuvenate itself during meditatation with singing bowl. The new scientific discipline of epigenetics is shedding light on the ways in which environmental factors influence the way diseases are expressed in a person’s genes. The use of a singing bowl or other form of frequent meditation can create an internal “climate” that is more conducive to healing.

Creative Renaissance and Problem Solving

World-class artists and thinkers regularly use the theta brainwave state for meditation using singing bowl. Power napping has been synonymous with famous people like Albert Einstein, Aristotle, Salvador Dal, and many more.

It’s not uncommon for a person to wake up from a nap or a deep sleep and have an epiphany, or “AHA!” moment, that sparks a brilliant creative idea. Napping is especially beneficial for creative problem solving because it shifts the brain from its default beta state to one that is more open to novel concepts. A meditation using singing bowl can help us reach these levels of consciousness while we’re fully conscious.

Subconscious Training:

You may not be able to recall every detail of your life using your rational mind, but there is a part of you that has unrestricted access to your past experiences. When you’re using more advantageous mental states, you can tap into the infinite resources of intellect beyond your own reasoning mind.

A large portion of sound healing, also known as sound bowl healing, is played by singing bowls. Singing bowls are typically placed close to a person’s chakra during sound therapy sessions.

The bowl could alternatively be placed on top of the patient at the discretion of the practitioner. The therapist will use the bowl’s resonant harmonic vibrations to bring about harmony and calm in the patient.

Practitioners may utilize singing bowl varying sizes for meditation using singing bowl to stimulate a person’s chakras, depending on the practitioner’s intuition and the nature of the session.

Buddhist meditation often makes use of singing bowls as a technique of inducing a deep meditative state. When played in advance of meditation, the singing bowl helps the brain tune in to the bowl’s unique frequency signature, which aids in concentration and relaxation.

How to Use Singing Bowls in Meditation?
meditation using singing bowl well requires time and effort despite its apparent simplicity. The bowl should rest on top of a flattened left palm for proper play. Make a cupping shape with your palm and rest the bowl on top of your fingertips to pick up smaller bowls.

You can begin playing your singing bowl by striking it or by circling the rim with a mallet. There is a noticeable difference in tone between the two methods. When played using the “around the rim” method, the tone is prolonged and heavenly, whereas when played using the “striking” method, the sound is more comparable to a bell ringing.

After producing a tone with the ‘around-the-rim’ method, the bowl is said to be allowed to ‘sing’ by removing the mallet from the rim and allowing it to continue to vibrate and resonate.


The practice of meditating with singing bowls incorporates physical motion. It differs from a type of singing bowl meditation in which the practitioner sits still while another else plays the singing bowl. Sound bowl meditation with movement is a great way to clear your mind of distractions and concentrate on the present moment.